There should be a way to remove the "Go to the Sheet" button / link at the bottom of an update request. Often users do not have access and then they keep requesting access by using this link.
Agree. One of the reasons for an update request is because you do not want/need access to the sheet.
Have just come across this requirement for an implementation. The users whoa re being sent update requests do not ever need to see the underlying sheet, but they go exploring and feel aggrieved that they don't get to see the underlying data and bombard us with licence requests.
This feature would be beneficial in our installation for the same reasons.
Agreed. Seems like a very simple fix.
I most definitely agree!
Agree. Also need to remove for approval request.
Agreed. This would be super helpful in our environment
I agree this is a good idea. HOWEVER, there needs to be some easy way to know what sent the email, so that it can be traced back to the sending sheet/workflow.
I think the easiest way would be to include the Sheets ID number in the footer of the email, and then have someway to search for sheets by ID. (Yes, I could find the sheet's URL via an API query on the sheet ID, but that would be far to difficult for most Smartsheet sheet Owners/Admins)
I completely that there should be a way to remove the "Go to the Sheet" button / link.
I agree. I have a master sheet that receives input from 3 different departments. I have created report views for the respective departments that only include the fields I want them to interact with. Obviously, I have to make everyone an editor on the master sheet for them to edit in the report view but when I send automated update requests, I want to be able to remove the link to the sheet hyperlink so people stay out of the master sheet.
The "Go to sheet" option will still show for users who are shared to the sheet, but won't be there for any users who don't have access. For your feature request, I would suggest adding your vote to this Product Idea: Option to Not Include Sheet Link on Notifications
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This is good news — however, we still need to share people to the sheet for Dashboard reports, and such, correct? It would be so great if we did not need to share people to the sheets. I'm working on Dynamic View — but understanding that it doesn't work on Dashboards, only with Work Apps, and we are not ready to try and implement that across the company.
I love the improvements and progress SS is making — y'all really listen to the feedback! Thanks!