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December Question of the Month 💭 Join the conversation and receive a badge



  • ✭✭✭✭

    We replaced a software by Smartsheet that saved the company 170K USD.

    This New sheet works faster and is more user friendly than before, so all users were very happy.

    Hope to do the same next year.

  • ✭✭✭✭

    What I am most proud of is after working for 15 years in various laboratory focused roles in the UK, I have successfully relocated to Poland and transitioned not just into a remote role, but a remote role in a new field meaning a lot to learn and with a team in a different time zone in the US.

    Despite this, I have been lucky enough to have joined a company focused on continuous improvement, so as well as learning a completely new role. I have been given the freedom to bring in elements of project management and automated workflows from my previous roles leading a change in approach of how they manage their workload and collaborate with other teams.

  • ✭✭✭✭

    Learn how to use Smartsheet and integrate it into my organization processes (nowadays I design processes that can be managed with Smartsheet, saving time in prod and release phases) was fairly easy. What I'm more proud of is the fact that I can see how many people in my team and org are now adopting Smartsheet, creating their own sheets, reports and dashboards and keep spreading the adoption.

    Although, at this stage, it's only positive growth, I already see the coming challenge and issue around the smartsheet governance, where too many sheets, reports and dashboards are just going to end up unused or misused. So, target for 2024 establish a Smartsheet governance :)

  • ✭✭✭✭

    This has been a year with so many things happening for me. The thing that I'm so proud of achieving is going for my MBA after wanting to do that for a very long time. This allowed me to open up to the idea that I'm still learning and a work in progress. The Smartsheet conference was one of the biggest things as well because it added to my learning journey.

  • Work related; at the beginning of the year, we began building out our PMO. I am very proud of where we have gotten to in the last year and look forward to continuing to build it out.

    From a personal side after years of trying to figure out how to get a family vacation planned. We went to Alaska as a family and spent 2 awesome weeks away.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello SmartSheet Community,

    I have encountered many successes as well as failures throughout the year, but I am proud to have accomplished the amount of resiliency needed to overcome all obstacles. To operate at my peak was to never stop pursuing my goals. Despite getting laid off by my day job in the beginning of the year, I never stopped applying and interviewing with other companies. Even though clients ended contracts due to economical variables, I never stopped creating solutions that others could use during these hard times. For every "We decided to pursue another candidate", or "We have filled this role with someone who's background more closely aligns", or no rejections at all, I kept pushing and pushing until I finally made it to where I am right now working for a world renowned science & technology institution in the San Francisco East Bay Area.

    To anyone who is or has been going through the same obstacles, I encourage you to tap into your natural resiliency and keep pushing yourself to reach your goals. After all, you are the only one preventing yourself from accomplishing what you believe you are capable of!

    Happy Holidays SmartSheet Community! :)

  • Community Champion

    Before 2023, I had spent the last 10 years working for the same business. During the last 3 years there I had become disenfranchised and always felt like I was unable to do my best, because I was being stretched too far. However, due to my length of service and the fact that the 3 other project managers who worked within the business had left, I felt obliged to stay and continue to be a part of the "family".

    My biggest achievement this year was gaining the courage to step away from the business and realise my worth. In doing so I have joined a new business, and I have been able to grow significantly both in self-confidence and in learning new skills. On top of that, I have been able to share Smartsheet with a new organisation that was crying out for a tool to manage their projects, and seeing their excitement grow has been amazing.

  • ✭✭✭✭

    I love to help people...and I'm also a nerd. The wonderful thing about Smartsheet is that it gives me possibilities to provide solutions for others. Visualizing data, creating automations, customizing reports - with these powerful tools and others, Smartsheet truly helps me help others. We have recreated all our sheets for 2024, and will be launching them next week. So far, the feedback has been great!

    I'm so happy to have a suite of tools that is professionally and personally rewarding. Thank you!

  • ✭✭✭✭

    This year, I joined a new team with a new role that provided the opportunity to really get my hands dirty with Smartsheet. This included helping to roll out a sophisticated and robust Smartsheet solution, including integrations with other systems. It's been challenging at times, but very rewarding. I've learned a great deal and am excited to keep the momentum for 2024.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    I am proud of deciding to prioritize my mental health.

  • Community Champion

    This year I'm proud to have put my own personal growth as a priority!

    I got a new job more closely related to my goals, got my Smartsheet certification, dedicated more time to the Smartsheet community, started an MBA program, and got married!

    If my comment helped you, please help others by marking it as an accepted answer and consider helping me by clicking the 💡Insightful or ❤️Awesome buttons below!

    Monique Odom-Stearn

    Architecture Solutions Manager

    Smartsheet Leader & Community Champion

    Pronouns: She/Her (What’s this?)

    “Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!” – Ms. Frizzle

  • ✭✭✭

    Continuing to push myself to keep training Jiu Jitsu even when I don't want to. It keeps me physically and mentally active, I learn a valuable life skill that I hope to never have to use, and it shows my kids to not give up even when we are feeling lazy, life gets too busy, etc.

  • Overachievers Alumni
    edited 12/04/23

    I am the most proud of my learnings from year 2022 and how I managed to implement those into my career.

    Tomasz Kowalski

    The Real Smartsheet Enthusiast

    Is there anything else we can help you with? - book your time.

    MASA Consult - Your Aligned Smartsheet Gold Partner

    Find us on LinkedIn!

    Tag my name: @kowal if you need quick response.

  • ✭✭✭✭

    This year I am extremely proud of the various process improvements I have mad throughout my agency utilizing Smartsheet. I understand the value this product has provided me as I move forward to continue to make improvements to not just my area, but other areas. It was been extremely valuable and I also have had the opportunity to network through the City because of it.

  • ✭✭✭
    edited 12/04/23

    Hello everyone 😊

    This year was incredible in terms of achievements, I'd like to share that with all community here

    • I was planning to get a new certificate in Program Management, a P3O certificate from Axelos. The target was planned to be achieved last Dec 2022. The curriculum was not easy and I consumed a lot of time and effort to connect the dots. Eventually, I succeeded in getting that certificate last Aug.
    • I plan to change my career path for next year 2024, to move my focus from PM in the Construction field to PMC ( Project Management Consulting). Hence, I completed 72 hours Professional Course on how to work as a real consultant and I got a nice certificate for that experience
    • I got a new badge from PMI related to using Generative AI in Project management.
    • Finally, Smartsheet awarded me a new badge as "Automagician" which came as a very nice surprise at the end of the year. Thanks, Smartsheet for your recognition and support!!

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