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Deactivate form after set # of entries/submissions OR by date

Peggy Parchert
Peggy Parchert Community Champion

It would be a great thing to be able to specify that a form be made inactive after a set # of entries.

For example, my company is sending out an email with a link to a form created to gather demographic information on the individuals. The first 40 submissions are eligible for a 'free lunch' and we don't want to continue taking submissions once we have 40.

Thanks -Peggy

54 votes

On Wishlist · Last Updated

This is a great suggestion. While this specific capability isn't part of our current plan, we're thinking about ways to extend Forms to support more complex use cases. We'll update this post as we continue to improve Forms.



  • Deanna Vandermeer
    Deanna Vandermeer Overachievers Alumni
    edited 03/10/23

    We have many Smartsheet forms which we use as a way to gather attendance for our district's professional learning events, meetings, trainings, etc., as well as many forms to intake survey or voting responses from professional learning events or resource evaluations. Many of these forms are utilized throughout the entire school year but need to be deactivated at certain times and then reactivated at certain times (i.e., attendance form turned on at the start of the event and turned off at the end of the event or monthly on certain Fridays for Friday PL days, etc.). Currently the only way to do this is to login and manually deactivate or activate each form, which sometimes involves the need to add task reminders to my calendar, then login to Smartsheet to deactivate or activate a form. This can be inconvenient as sometimes these events are outside of regular working hours or requires a person to work during days off or when home ill. It is important though to deactivate, or even to activate, a form during the appropriate time and date as we do not want data coming in outside of the structured times for the event. Wouldn't it would be an incredibly unique and timesaving function if Smartsheet were to come up with a way to automated this? It would be HUGE help to be able to set this as a task (i.e., activate the form at 6:30 AM on this date, deactivate the form at 10:00 PM on this date).

    Smartsheet Overachievers Alumni

  • Kari G
    Kari G ✭✭✭✭

    We have medical classes with a limited number of spots on a weekly basis. Right now we have to do separate sheets for each class, which is very tedious and overkill, we have to try and catch the sheet and form with alerts, in order to deactivate the form so we don't go over our state mandated ratio limit.

    Limiting the amount of rows you want a sheet to have or the number of form entries would be amazing for the medical field in soooooo many ways!!!

  • Andrée Starå
    Andrée Starå Community Champion

    Hi @Kari G

    I hope you're well and safe!

    Here's a possible workaround or workarounds

    • You could collect them all in one sheet, and with the help of some helper columns, we could count the number of rows per event and trigger alerts when you're getting close or reaching the limit.

    Would that work/help?

    I hope that helps!

    Be safe, and have a fantastic weekend!


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    Did my post(s) help or answer your question or solve your problem? Please support the Community by marking it Insightful/Vote Up, Awesome, or/and as the accepted answer. It will make it easier for others to find a solution or help to answer!


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    W: | | P: +46 (0) - 72 - 510 99 35

    Feel free to contact me for help with Smartsheet, integrations, general workflow advice, or anything else.

  • marc4
    marc4 ✭✭✭✭

    Have you tried using Google Forms and using the smartsheet connector to tie the data to your smartsheet?

    Google forms will let you “Disable on date” and “Disable on submission limit.”  and has logic.


  • My company would benefit from this feature. We allow only so many requests a day and to be able to cap them would help tremendously.

  • Susan L.
    Susan L. ✭✭✭✭

    I would love this feature as well. We often gather time-sensitive/quick turnaround information and instead of saying in our message "information received after XXXX can not be considered" it would be super to "disable" the form and have an automated message along the lines of "The deadline to respond has passed" or..similar.

  • Victoria K.
    Victoria K. ✭✭✭

    It would be very helpful to be able to limit form submissions for registration purposes.

    Similar to the training use cases above, we are trying to use Smartsheet to organize registration for a vaccine clinic. It'd be a huge help if we could limit each date/time selection to only be used once.

  • Joan B
    Joan B ✭✭✭

    Please add restrictions to Form for the option to limit the number of times someone can use the link--to ensure only one survey response per person, and also add the option to inactivate a form link at a designated date when creating the form.

    Thank you!

  • Enable timed form shut-offs, so you don't have to set reminders and manually close out timed forms

  • This would be so helpful for event management and managing breakout room attendance if this feature can be added!

  • Deanna Vandermeer
    Deanna Vandermeer Overachievers Alumni

    @marc4 - we actually have in fact tried using Google Forms with the Smartsheet connector add-on. However, we repeatedly ran into problems with the connector including the Google form just randomly disconnecting from Smartsheet and failing to enter new entries. While yes, it's a nice idea, sadly our experience has been so frustrating with this non-supported add-on feature that we left it behind many years ago. I have developed a few workarounds to help mimic the ability to "deactivate" the form but it would still be really nice if Smartsheet could consider accelerating their timeline with regard to this enhancement request up on their list. After all, if Google can make it happen then most certainly Smartsheet should be able too, especially since hands down they are a far superior platform (especially in the realm of forms and sheets) in my humble opinion.

    Smartsheet Overachievers Alumni

  • Bek T
    Bek T ✭✭✭

    Another user here echoing all the comments in this thread. We are looking to move all of our training registrations to a SmartSheet form so we can capture all the data in one place in the background, to run reports, etc. and having an auto-complete date would be ace, instead of having to create manual work-arounds/set up reminders or workflows (seems to defeat the purpose of minimising the work involved). So if this could be moved to the front of the list of developments, that would be ace; as Deanna mentioned, if Google/MS forms can include an auto-cut off date for the link, surely Smartsheet could too (I also agree Smartsheet is far superior for forms and sheets).