Show & Tell

Show & Tell

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December Question of the Month 💭 Join the conversation and receive a badge



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    This year I came into a team that had Smartsheet but was not using it. Having used Smartsheet myself for many many years I asked for a license and was able to show many options and ways to make Smartsheet, make our projects easier to manage. Now a couple departments are actively using Smartsheet for their projects. I have 5 Projects myself. I was even contacted last week by another independent group to help them with their Smartsheet so they could use it in their projects.

  • For Smartsheet, learning and growing as an employee at Smartsheet and having the privilege to get to meet so many of our Community Members at ENGAGE 2023! You all inspire me day in and out.

    Personally, getting married to the love of my life in September! We've been together going on 7 years and had been engaged for 3 years (if you are asking why so long for an engagement... Covid and wanting to have everyone feeling safe to attend/travel).

  • Overachievers Alumni

    That I have created a viral bottoms-up adoption of Smartsheet to continue to increase productivity and transparency.

  • Overachievers Alumni

    This year, I am proud to have increased the adoption of Smartsheet within our company and for having the opportunity for transferring skills to like-minded Smartsheet fanatics.

    Being able to see users who are now able to assist themselves on Smartsheet and improve their day-to-day administration load by harnessing the power of Smartsheet, has truly been the most amazing feeling.

    Michelle Basson
    Smartsheet Overachiever Alumni | Solution Architect | Lover of everything Smartsheet


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    I am proud of the successful process optimization projects achieved using Smartsheet. Talking about automations, integrations, reports, dashboards, data shuttles etc. The more solutions I create with Smartsheet, the easier it becomes. It wasn’t just the accolades for me but making my colleagues work easier and saving my organization some good money make me proud. 🥹

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    What a year we've had at the State of Oregon smartsheet user group! We started by presenting at the Portland Area User Group and grew our membership to over 700 users across the state. Even though I switched agencies, I managed to keep providing Smartsheet Sessions, monthly user group meetings, and we successfully held a 4 hour virtual event (yes, I fan-girled over Cicero) - where hundreds of state workers got to learn more about this amazing tool. Multiple agencies continue to reach out to me for guidance and I am already planning curriculum for the 2024 series. Pretty cool.

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    For work with Smartsheet?

    I developed a KOL Segmentation Selection Tool using a myriad of tricks picked up on these discussion boards. Four MSL field teams at a leading Pharma company are currently using these, 2 more in process and more still to be developed. These selection tools help determine how territories should be defined, which KOLs to prioritize, records notes on various individuals, creates a track record of points of contact, creates a trail of which HCPs were in which territory at a given time, allows the user to mark certain OLs as difficult to contact so they are removed from future iterations of the process, enables real time data and statistics and empowers my team to present tons and tons of data and trends to our clients.. among a bunch of other things that could not have been done before... at least so quickly and easily.

    Smartsheet has brought a ton of value to this process not only as a repository for data, but as a consistent and user friendly method of obtaining this previously unknown (or siloed to the individual MSL) data. Big deal.

    Personally, in November I picked up an electric guitar for the first time in ten years after discovering Polyphia... I'm only two riffs deep after a month of grinding but man is it satisfying. This band is incredible... Metallica who?

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    What are you proud to have accomplished this year?

    I was able to gain more knowledge and certifications related to Project and Program Management and able to apply those newfound skills in my day-to-day activities.

    I am also equipped with new Tips and Tricks using Smartsheet and efficiently implement workflows, Dashboards, and automation using Smartsheet. Additionally, I created some knowledge sharing with my colleague about new and advanced features of Smartsheet.

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    I've transformed a manual, email based process to smart, step based smartsheet process with clear action owners and ability to measure the performance. Highlight of the year :)

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    I'm proud of deploying a 20 new Smartsheet WorkApps - a client facing solution for a global client! :D

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    I am proud of myself for making strides in building relationships within my PMO team. These relationships are crucial to enacting change with our governance improvement, which I own.

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    What are you proud to have accomplished this year?

    This year, I faced a major challenge with my hip. I used to be a very active runner, but broke my hip several years ago. This past year has been difficult because of issues with it again. Despite the pain and discomfort, I was determined to overcome this challenge. I put in a lot of hard work and looked into other ways to manage my pain. I’m proud to say that my determination and drive led me to find the right doctor who listened to me and fully understood the pain that I was experiencing.

    While this may not seem like much to some, it has been a huge medical challenge for me. Overcoming this challenge has taught me a lot about myself and what I’m capable of. I’ve learned that with hard work and determination, I can overcome any obstacle that comes my way. I’m proud of myself for not giving up and for finding a way to manage my pain and finding the right doctor.

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    I have created several new Smartsheet assets for my organization and grown the overall usage of Smartsheet across our users. I also successfully recruited a colleague that I met at Engage 2022 to join our team to add to our Smartsheet Champions!

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    I am proud of my growth. In 2023, I took on a new job, learned Smartsheet, and started my journey towards earning my PMP. I have always believed we should never stop pushing ourselves, and learn new things whenever you can.

    In my Smartsheet self-guided training, I have taken my company to a whole new level of data tracking, customer information sharing, notification application/usage, scheduling, and so much more. It has been a blessing to learn all these tools. I've really learned to appreciate the Smartsheet Community as an amazing resource as well, can't imagine how I would be where I am without the group!

    Looking forward to 2024 and all that it can hold for new learning adventures!

    Jen Lawson, PMP

    Vernal Biosciences

    Colchester, VT 05446

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    I was introduced to Smartsheet this past year -- and dove in head first! I've learned so much, and have created operational dashboards, metrics, reports, automated processes and forms, and attended my first SS conference in Seattle. Personally, I began to work on being more health-conscious and proactive. After the conference I joined my city's franchise of burn bootcamp -- and to date I have shed over 20 pounds! I'm feeling better, have more energy, and enjoying new community with fellow attendees.

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