I frequently use the "favorites" star on the left to quickly go to my sheets. I have had some trouble quickly accessing the sheets because I scan with my mouse up and down the list. Each sheet creates a pop-up when you hover over it. This makes it difficult because I end up clicking the pop-up instead of the sheet I actually wanted. Is there a way to move the pop-up or eliminate it altogether?
I created an account for this forum only for this exact issue. I absolutely HATE using favorites because of the popups. They don't even help, only get in the way! Please remove them!
I concur!
I don't know if its because I use the desktop app vs. web browser, but I do not have this problem. I don't get any pop-ups in favorites, UNLESS the name is longer than the panel… this the pop-up gives me the full name.
It does this in the Browse section too and can be very frustrating.
Agreed! I also run into this issue when updating the filter criteria on reports. Frustrating indeed.
Michelle Cullen