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Number Range Logic

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I am trying to craft a formula that sources a numerical value in a different column and, based on that value, prints a skill level. Here's the formula:

=IF([Points]1 <99, IF([Points]1 <199, “Apprentice”, IF([Points]1 <499, “Amateur”, IF([Points]1 <999, “Pro”, IF([Points]1 <1999, “Veteran”, IF([Points]1 <= 3999, “Expert”, IF([Points]1 = 4000, “Master”)))))))

I keep getting the #UNPARSEABLE error. I have searched the forums for and found good ideas on how to make this work however, none of it seems to work for me.

Any ideas on what I'm missing? 


  • KJT

    I have tried this formula as well:


    =IF([Points]1 <99, “”, IF([Points]1 <199, “Apprentice”, IF([Points]1 <499, “Amateur”, IF([Points]1 <999, “Pro”, IF([Points]1 <1999, “Veteran”, IF([Points]1 <= 3999, “Expert”, IF([Points]1 = 4000, “Master”)))))))

    So, nothing is printed in the cell if you have less than 100 points.


  • KJT

    It turns out that the problem was that my editor was inserting rich-text quotes. Switching to an editor that didn't use rich-text, fixed the issue.

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