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How to link only to parent level data in source sheet?

edited 02/28/24 in Formulas and Functions


I am wanting to link cells so that the column in my destination sheet contains only the data in parent-level rows on my source sheet. Right now when I link and highlight the source column, it pulls in the indented levels also. Or it will leave blank spaces in my destination sheet where the source sheet may have indented rows.

Is there a way to link so that only the parent-level rows' data is pulled into the destination sheet (without blank rows between)?

I've included some example photos. In the first image, the highlighted data are what I'd like to link to my destination sheet (either column, it doesn't matter to me which one). Second image is what displays when I choose either of those columns to link (even if I collapse all the parent rows on the source sheet). The red dots are rows I'm wanting to NOT populate if possible.

Maybe a formula makes more sense than Linking?


  • Community Champion

    Is there a reason you are pulling this to another sheet as opposed to using a row report?

  • ✭✭

    Hi! I am sorry I did not respond - my job actually ended up changing due to layoffs right after I posted this, so I no longer needed it.

    But to answer the question, yes: the source sheet is a master schedule of classes. I was trying to create a separate sheet (destination sheet) that pulled each class over but didn't include each individual session of the classes. I wanted a new sheet that was editable and could have new columns/data added, not just a report.

    The reason for linking (in my mind - I am nowhere near an expert in Smartsheet) was that this source sheet was sort of the official master schedule. I wanted to be able to create other tracking type sheets using this schedule as the "bones", but not have to rely on editing in both places. If a class was cancelled on the master list, for example, I wanted it to automatically be removed from the destination tracker.

    I'm still unsure how I would do this, but as it's been some time I am much more comfortable in SS now. I will keep playing with it in case I'm trying to do something similar in the future!

  • Community Champion

    The most reliable method would be to include all of the tracking in your master and then use reports or Dynamic Views to filter out rows and only show certain columns for certain user groups.

    You can do this with links/formulas with cross sheet references, but it can get rather cumbersome and requires sheet filters and never deleting anything from the master which can run into scaling issues.

  • ✭✭

    I was starting to think this might be the answer, thanks so much for putting it succinctly for me.

    I think you're right it would be better to have a master with ALL this data and then for a more simple class schedule view, use reports etc.

    Thank you again for taking the time to assist me!!

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