Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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If, And, Or formula

Looking to calc MQLs if FY = FY24 (easy part), but each region has a different conversion rate and that's where I'm struggling.

My formula is something along the lines of:

IF ([FY]@row = "FY24"), and (or ([Region]@row is "ANZ", multiply [Lead forecast]@row * 25%), ([Region]@row is "ASEAN", multiply [Lead forecast]@row * 35%), ([Region]@row is "China", multiply [Lead forecast]@row * 26%))

but it's not quite working.

this works but I'm struggling to expand it: =IF(AND(Region@row = "ANZ", FY@row = "FY24"), [Leads Forecast]@row * 0.25)



Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Julie Caliri , You may be trying to do too much with one formula. Also, taking this approach may make changes in the future more difficult. I would recommend the following steps which may seem a bit harder now but will make your solution scalable and updatable in the future:

    1) Create a second sheet with two columns: Region and Conversion Rate. In this sheet, add a row for each region and then populate the appropriate conversion rate.

    2) In your main sheet, add a helper column. Let's also call it Conversion Rate. In this column, create a formula using the INDEX(MATCH()) structure to look up the region from the second sheet and return the appropriate conversion rate. If you haven't done this before, give it a try by using the online help. If you can't figure it out, reply with how far you've gotten and I (or others) can help out.

    3) Calculate the MQL by multiplying [Lead forecast]@row * [Conversion Rate]@Row

    I hope this helps! Be well.

    If my response was helpful or answered your question please be sure to upvote it, mark it asawesome, or mark it as the accepted answer!


  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Julie Caliri , You may be trying to do too much with one formula. Also, taking this approach may make changes in the future more difficult. I would recommend the following steps which may seem a bit harder now but will make your solution scalable and updatable in the future:

    1) Create a second sheet with two columns: Region and Conversion Rate. In this sheet, add a row for each region and then populate the appropriate conversion rate.

    2) In your main sheet, add a helper column. Let's also call it Conversion Rate. In this column, create a formula using the INDEX(MATCH()) structure to look up the region from the second sheet and return the appropriate conversion rate. If you haven't done this before, give it a try by using the online help. If you can't figure it out, reply with how far you've gotten and I (or others) can help out.

    3) Calculate the MQL by multiplying [Lead forecast]@row * [Conversion Rate]@Row

    I hope this helps! Be well.

    If my response was helpful or answered your question please be sure to upvote it, mark it asawesome, or mark it as the accepted answer!

  • That worked! Thank you for the suggestion :)

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