Card View - Lanes by Parent Task?

chlod24 ✭✭
edited 04/01/24 in Formulas and Functions

My sheet is setup with the following levels with how tasks are nested - see screenshot.

In the card view, I want the lanes to be the Project Setup level tasks. I have a column formula where I am extracting the parent name and then viewing the lanes with that, but that is pulling everything at the Task 3 level too. How can I get it to just be the highest parent task that is NOT project name?


  • Jake Kenyon
    Jake Kenyon ✭✭✭✭

    If you add a hierarchy column using the formula =COUNT(ANCESTORS()) + 1 (don't need to do plus one, I just like to start at level one) this will allow you to write a formula based on what "level" of hierarchy each task is at. You can then use =IF(Hierarchy@row = 2, [Task Name]@row, IF(Hierarchy@row > 2, INDEX(ANCESTORS([Task Name]@row), 2))) which should always pull the Project Setup level of tasks. Let me know if that works!

  • chlod24
    chlod24 ✭✭

    thanks! I actually already have a Hierarchy Level column so that's a fantastic work around.

    When I use your formula, it only returns a result for the rows at that Project Setup hierarchy level. But I would need it to pull that value for all of the subtasks too, in order for them to display correctly in the card view.

    example of what I am trying to get the formula to return -

  • Jake Kenyon
    Jake Kenyon ✭✭✭✭

    Sorry to hear that. You applied the formula as a column formula, right? I have it setup on a sheet exactly the same and it does work in the manner you described even with multiple subtask layers. A lot of people don't add +1 to the end of their hierarchy formula, so you may need to change the 2s in that formula to 1s potentially? Let me know if that gives you any luck.

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