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Customize Account Invitation Email


Currently, when users are invited to join a Smartsheet account they receive a standard, system-generated email with no custom message. This has resulted in some users contacting the sender or a Smartsheet administrator, if they know one, to ask whether the email is legitimate or a form of phishing malware.

The system administrator / sender should have the ability to add a customized note to the invitation to explain the invitation's purpose and legitimacy.

10 votes

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  • dsalinas

    To add to @Pat Canning's request, it would be nice if we could set the From: address in the invitation email to be a sysadmin other than the main contact sysadmin. E.g., you might have a licensing admin that's different from the main account/billing admin.

  • Mike Ferringer
    Mike Ferringer ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Pat Canning's suggestion for customizing invitation emails seems fundamental given the ever increasing concerns surrounding cyber security. This at minimum warrants a response from Smartsheet and ideally warrants action to be taken.

  • Joy I.
    Joy I. ✭✭
    edited 06/03/24

    I agree with this suggestion. From a change management perspective, I think it is also important to make sure the message aligns with how we are rolling out Smartsheet to our organization. Allowing us to link to an infomational page with instructions/resources up front - rather than when they first login - would help better transition folks to using Smartsheet.