Trying to copy rows & then mark them 'done'

I'm trying to do something that seems simple but is really frustrating me. I want to copy certain rows to another sheet and mark them 'done' afterward.

I've got an automation that copies rows over to another sheet, then records a date & locks the row. I also want to have it change a value in another cell (mark it 'Complete'), but it won't let me add the action without deleting one of the others. I've tried adding the 3 actions in different orders -- I cannot get all 3 to exist.

I tried making a second automation to run when a row changed and if the 'Sent to other sheet' column had a date, then mark the 'Status' cell complete -- but that doesn't work because I can pick a specific date (but not 'today') or blank (but I want NOT blank) or 'any value' (but that would include blanks and nonblanks). I can't pick 'only those that aren't blank'.

So I tried making a formula to update the 'Status' column, but that also failed.

Formula in dropdown list column [Status_Task]. I want it to look at 'SentToTranscriptsSS' to see there's a date in that cell. If there is a date, mark the Status column 'Complete'. If there's no date (is blank), then don't change the value in Status. I don't want to change 'Status' to a particular value if there's no date -- I want to leave it unchanged with whatever value.

I'm not sure how to write the "leave it unchanged" bit -- leave off the 'is false' expression? Tell it to use the existing 'Status' value if false?

This is what I've got, but results are #unparseable regardless if Sent has a date or not.
=IF(AND(CONTAINS("ranscript", [Rounds task]@row), (NOT(ISBLANK([SentToTranscriptSS])@row))), 'Complete', [Status_Task]@row)

I also tried this with #unparsable error as well.
=IF(AND(CONTAINS("ranscript", [Rounds task]@row), (NOT(ISBLANK([SentToTranscriptSS])@row))), 'Complete')

This really shouldn't be this hard....

Best Answer

  • Mark.poole
    Mark.poole Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Ok which ever column gets the date when it’s been copied to another sheet. I’ll call it date

    =if(date@row <>””,”Complete”)

    put this formula in the column you want saying complete.

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  • Mark.poole
    Mark.poole Community Champion
    edited 05/20/24


    =IF([Sent to other sheet]@row<>"","Complete",[Status_Task]@row)

    If you using a Flag then

    =IF([Sent to other sheet]@row<>"",1)

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  • CarlaB
    CarlaB ✭✭✭✭
    edited 05/20/24

    @mark.poole Bummer…. That looked much more elegant & simple, but it gives a #circular reference error. :-(

  • Mark.poole
    Mark.poole Community Champion
    edited 05/20/24

    ok. So if there is a circular ref. That means you have a formula pointing at something the other formula is looking at. So I’m assuming it’s because status task is where the complete will be.

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  • Mark.poole
    Mark.poole Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Ok which ever column gets the date when it’s been copied to another sheet. I’ll call it date

    =if(date@row <>””,”Complete”)

    put this formula in the column you want saying complete.

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  • CarlaB
    CarlaB ✭✭✭✭

    THANK YOU, @Mark.poole! I knew it had to be simple, but I was completely brain glitching on it. That worked a treat.

  • Mark.poole
    Mark.poole Community Champion

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