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Automation to include Attachment (email notification), but there is no attachments?



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    @Andrée Starå , my sheets are working fine. Maybe @Vivien Chong can share?

  • Community Champion

    @Makiko Joans

    I was glad to hear it and just curious to see what was happening because, if I understand your process correctly, it shouldn't work.


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    W: | | P: +46 (0) - 72 - 510 99 35

    Feel free to contact me for help with Smartsheet, integrations, general workflow advice, or anything else.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Makiko Joans I am curious like @Andrée Starå too on how you can receive attachment via email notification. I would love to find out how did you set up your notification so the recipients can receive the attachment when it is not uploaded right before the trigger, nor is the attachment the trigger for the notification.

    This is my notification setting: (includes ALL fields)

    This is what I received, can see the paper clip, but no attachment: (the attachment has been attached to the row for at least 5 hours)

    Vivien Chong

    Modern Work Management Consultant @ 57Network Consultancy Sdn Bhd

    Connect with us:

  • ✭✭✭✭

    Interesting. But my sample does not have Hierarchy so that could be why. I wonder why it is including the parent row in the notification, but I guess it is needed for identification. I also have an automation once a day from a different sheet. Since it is happening once a day, I get the listed task applicable to this automation in the email with the attachment icon like the clip. However, I believe that the icon won't allow me to open the file.

  • Community Champion

    @Vivien Chong

    What trigger are you using for your workflow?


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    W: | | P: +46 (0) - 72 - 510 99 35

    Feel free to contact me for help with Smartsheet, integrations, general workflow advice, or anything else.

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    @Andrée Starå the trigger is "when a row is changed".

    I understand that the attachment can only be attached either when we are using Update Request or use attachment as the trigger.

    I am interested to find out how @Makiko Joans is able to receive her attachment, as she mentioned the attachment has been in the row for some times, and she is sending an alert notification, not update request.

    Vivien Chong

    Modern Work Management Consultant @ 57Network Consultancy Sdn Bhd

    Connect with us:

  • ✭✭✭
    edited 06/18/24

    No joy :/ (no attachment in email)

    Tried update request too, no joy either.

    Tried update request trigger on attachment, no joy either.

    No attachment in inbox, no matter what. No prior automations, just the one.

    Want to use this for our warehouse;

    Everyday early in the morning there is a trailer coming in.

    Want to have the employees digitally reporting non-conformaties through smartsheet Forms, instead of using pen and paper and using whatsapp on personal phone to whatsapp the supplychain colleague (who will be handling the non-conformities) to send pictures of damages. The colleague then has to email himself the picture and digitise the complaint to supplier.

    Want to have this done without supplychain having to logon to smartsheet because it's just not userfriendly enough. Just a summary on the Form entry (Date, type of complaint, amount, required actions and attachement)

    In the future we will be moving to having the summary of the complaint sent to the customer automated from smartsheet and maybe have them fill respond to update request.

    @Andrée Starå just tagging you here, after your mentioning me in other thread ;)

    Continuous Improvement Facilitator in HVAC industry || Timezone CES

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    Hi, everyone!

    I think my notification only contains ONE ROW item. That will come with the attachment. However, if your notification comes with the list, then the attachment won't come with the email. Maybe… you can store those documents and have hyperlink to the cell, then the notification will give you the link to open the document? Just my thoughts. I have not tried but let me know if that would work.

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    @MPath how about having a helper column with checkbox to send notification to supply chain colleague?

    1. Employee fill in form with damages photos, once completed, check the helper box.
    2. Automation: When helper box is checked, send update request with attachments to supply chain colleagues.

    I am not sure how you set up the update request automation, but for me, as long as it is an update request automation including attachment, it will send all attachments in that row.

    Vivien Chong

    Modern Work Management Consultant @ 57Network Consultancy Sdn Bhd

    Connect with us:

  • ✭✭✭
    edited 06/19/24

    Thanks for thinking along!

    The thing is, I want none of the parties to go and logon into Smartsheet, maybe once a week supplychain to update latest comments(progress) for issues that they are not able to tackle within 2 days (things normally take 2 days or less to sort) so I will try to see if the checkbox wroks (as a trigger, right?)

    I will reproduce the update request, and post it here.

    Edit, can only get it through opening the request. Not as a notification in email inbox.

    I'll think I'll just make two seperate flows. One for without attachment and one for when there is an attachment, highlighting the topic of there being a attachment in the subject of the email.

    Continuous Improvement Facilitator in HVAC industry || Timezone CES

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    Just an update for whomever needs it:

    I have ended up (because of the options that needed to be available to the department) having 8 filters, that basicly boils down to 2 flows.

    1. When there is a issue submitted and there is NO attachment it will sent a update request, stating there is no attachment and one does not need to open the request.
    2. When there is a issue submitted and there is a ATTACHMENT it will sent a update request, stating there IS A ATTACHMENT and one needs top open the request, just to be able to see the attachments.

    Now our supplychain-guru's can forward this message straight to their contactperson.

    Next step would be to sent a request to our supplychain-guru's, just asking if the information is correct and after ticking a box (or assisgning a contact) and submitting the request, smartsheet automation will sent out a request to the correct contact. Probably will have the request to that contact person with little info in the email, so they have to open the request and also asking them to fill in their status which then gets sent back to our supplychain-gurus.

    A ticket-systems basicly.

    But still, just having it sent out as a email, including attachment(s) would be have sufficed. Now i'm just going full automode ;)

    Continuous Improvement Facilitator in HVAC industry || Timezone CES

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