Archived 2017 Posts

Archived 2017 Posts

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Creating dependancies so I can change my start date

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I am setting up a project plan but at this time I am not sure what my start date is. I can set it up with a possible date and create my tasks and dependnacies. But how can I make sure my dependancies are set up correct so that when I change my start date everything will fall into place.



  • Community Champion

    IF all of your rows contain dependencies, then you should be okay. The challenge exists if some are dependent and some are not. If you make sure every row is dependent (in some way or another) on each other, then you can adjust the first date and the rest will follow. Create your dependencies from the top-down if you want your start date to be the adjusting factor.  

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    To test, turn on Highlight Changes and set the Start Date. The start and end date columns should all change (I'd change to it something in 2018 to be sure).

    Alternatively, set the Start Date and save the sheet. Filter on the Modified column and 'is not today'. 

    If you don't have a Modified column yet, you can add it (it is a System column). The dates are stored even if you have haven't displayed the column before.

    Note that may be false positives due to Smartsheet's mishandling of the UTC time in some instances. Typically, this won't be a problem.


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