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Changing Status Dot Color Based On Deadline Column

Hi, I've tried looking up other questions to answer this and got as far as this formula [=IF(Deadline@row <= TODAY(+14), "Green", IF(Deadline@row <= TODAY(+7), "Yellow", IF(Deadline@row >= TODAY(0), "Red", "")))], but it's not providing the proper results. I have a Deadline column and a Status column (which is the RGY dots). I would like the dot to change color based on the following parameters:

If the deadline is approaching within the next 14 days or more, change to green.

If the deadline is approaching within the next 7 days, change to yellow.

If the deadline is today and/or in the past, change to red.

With my erroneous formula above, no matter what date is in there, the dot is green.

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