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Group Multi-Select Dropdown and Multi-Select Contact Columns within Reports


It would be great if we had the option to group line items in a report by options selected in a dropdown column.

Ex. If you are viewing projects within a global campaign and have "country" as a column with the fixed values for all the available countries. It would be nice to be able to run a report where you could group the projects by the countries that were selected in the country column.

Not sure why this isn't an option but this seems like an incredibly useful feature that would improve the functionality of reports.

33 votes

On Wishlist · Last Updated

We love this idea too! It would lead to a situation where a single row in the source sheet would potentially map to multiple rows in a report, and we need to consider how to keep those in sync if a user edits one of the rows. We are working on a plan for this and welcome additional feedback in the comments below. If we believe we can make this idea a reality, we'll plan to update the status here.



  • ✭✭
    edited 11/08/23

    This is a copy and paste from the Smartsheet Basics community. I am having the same issue and would like for this functionality to be added to Smartsheet.

    Grouping a Multi-contact Column on Report

    I want to group a contact column with multiple contacts on a report to have a visibility of the tasks assigned to the the contacts.

    When I look for the column under the group dropdown, the column des not appear. However, when I uncheck the allow multiple contact per cell button, the column appears.

    So, I want to find out if a contact column (with allow multiple contact) can be grouped.

  • ✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/20/24

    Yes, would be great if we could Group a report by the Assigned To column when the same column at the source sheets is a Multi-Select please! Thank you.

  • ✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/20/24

    When trying to group by a column that has "Allow multiple" selected, no matter how many contacts are in a cell, it will give you this warning:

    Then the grouping is generic and is not helpful:

    I would prefer it break it out by each contact, and then if a cell has multiple contacts, repeat the row for the other assigned contact in THEIR grouping section of the report.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    My closest workaround for a multi-selct dropdown was -(I did this for an assignee column so I could group the report by the assignee.)

    I changed the column to only allow a single entry, which then allows you to group by column, then i created a secondary and tertiary assignee column as well. I just summed all the assignee columns.

    But I agree, the enhancement would be great!

  • ✭✭✭✭

    @Tim C , I like this workaround but agree there are still many uses for being able to sort by drop downs where multiple values could be submitted.

    Like in the country example I used above, if you had a project that was taking place in Italy & Spain you'd want to see that project show up under the Italy grouping as well as the Spain group in a report.

  • ✭✭
    edited 03/20/24

    Yes! This option would be be very helpful. I have a lot of worksheets with multiple dropdown lists and I'd benefit from an option to group them on a single report

  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/20/24

    I'd love this too! Ideally how would you want it to behave? There are a lot of permutation possibilities with grouping multiselect dropdowns.

  • ✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/20/24

    Would be great to be able to use a row report and group and count by the multi-select dropdown column.

  • ✭✭
    edited 03/20/24


    It would be best that a line item on a sheet can be assigned to multiple people. Then when I create a report the line item is assigned to multiple people.

  • ✭✭
    edited 03/20/24

    Currently there appears to be no ability to extract out the individual values of a multi-select column and report on them without the application of lengthy and complex queries. This is not ideal. What I want to be able to do is create a report that groups things by request and shows individual line items for each multi-select value.

  • This would be a great enhancement. It seems straightforward -- each group would just be inclusive if the relevant dropdown item is present in the cell, regardless of whether other items are there too. In my case, I have a "tags" column with 3-5 tags, and want a given row to be in every relevant tag group.

  • Currently, you are unable to Group your content together by every Column that you input. It would be great to be able to Group our content/data by all headers that we input.

    Currently, I would like to Group my content by "Tactic" (Email, DM, etc.) but it does not give me the option.

    ☕️ Christine

  • ✭✭

    Would really love to see this as well. Would ideally like to avoid having to create separate columns for multiple contact columns.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    100% agree with you! The work around is not idea.

  • It would be very handy to be able to group by a column even if that column is a multi-select column. Thank you

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