Can't paste password into desktop app on Mac

Is there some reason Smartsheet Desktop app won't accept me pasting my password in so I can use the app?

I have quit it and tried several times and it doesn't work.

I have long, unique passwords that I really, really don't want to have to type in. So this is kind of a deal breaker for using the desktop app if it's not letting me paste pw for security reasons or something.


  • Unfortunately, this is not a Smartheet App issue but one with Apple development restrictions. We recommend using and shortcuts to quickly copy past passwords into the app. Cyber threats and data audit compliance drive this limitation in Apple's security restrictions.

    If you access the Smartsheet platform through Chrome, you can use the browser extensions of a platform like to click and authenticate.

    Rudie Raath
    Director and Smartsheet Creative Thinker
    Razrtec (Pty) Ltd | South Africa |

  • @rudie.raath - unfortunately, this is really a matter of the behavior of your code.
    I was forced to use your system today. I created a strong (50-character) password in my PSW manager and was very surprised that I could not paste it into the Confirm password field.

    I used: Chrome Version 126.0.6478.127 (Official Build) (64-bit)/W10

    Please check it because it has nothing to do with the OS or the browser. Because any other web environment accepts it (I use hundreds).

    Another problem—if I made a mistake during manual rewriting (50 characters) and wanted to use BACKSPACE, it was impossible; the only option was to Reload the page, which was quite annoying.

    Third problem (after 2 minutes of usage of your system):

    If I tried to make any changes in the personalization of my account (Personal Settings "card with custom choices"), I had to Save each card first so that I could go to another one and create settings for it. Only 3 choices are possible in this process (for every card as a submenu of the Personal Settings):

    • Cancel
    • Don't Save
    • Save.

    Cancel - does nothing and returns me back to the same card (expected).
    Don't Save - erase all custom settings in the given card, even if I return to it after "Don't Save"
    Save - saves the change, but cancels the display of "Personal Settings", even if there are several tabs. So if I want to continue, I have to go back to "Personal Settings" and I have to open the next tab.

    Perhaps it would like to do a behavioural analysis. And consider why the "Personal Settings" menu has duplicate Cancel/Save buttons

    • one pair for the each card in Personal settings as a submenu of Personal settings
    • one pair for overall Personal settings
    • and why is there the "Don't Save" button


  • @rudie.raath Just saw this response from a few months ago. Sorry.

    Thanks for the reply. However I don't see how this is an Apple issue at all. I can paste username and password in all sorts of other apps with wild abandon. Smartsheet is the only app in which I cannot do these simple things.

    To be clear, I can't even paste my email into the Email field in the Smartsheet app for Mac OS.
    And I am using 1Password. That's from where I am copying the u/n and password.

    So this is definitely something with the Smartsheet app. It won't accept my Google password as a paste either (if I use Google for SSO.

    So then I have to hand-type a 20-char pw with caps and numbers and whatnot.

    Bonus (not): also can't see what I'm typing because there appears to be no "see password" feature. Fortunately I'm a competent touch-typist or I'd never get through that gate.

    Bonus #2: the Smartsheet app logs out after a few days (not sure of the exact cadence but it doesn't stay logged in for very long at all). So then I have to go through all this bother again. Eventually I just ditch it and go back to Chrome.

  • I want to reiterate this issue. Everything that is mentioned above is my exact situation. I use Dashlane for password management, which allows autofilling in numerous other apps. If autofill won't work for a specific app, I will copy and paste the password. In the case of Smartsheet, neither works, and I have to manually type the password. I check the "remember me" button, but inevitably, the next time I open Smartsheet, it has logged me out, and I'm back at square one, cursing the app.

  • Yep. Can confirm re "cursing the app" here too. It's incredibly frustrating. It feels like it's some kind of security protection that's being attempted (e.g. so a bot can't just keep trying pw's), but it doesn't make any sense. A better approach would be to limit #of login attempts until a timeout.