This is actually the worst - I really need the search bar back.
Moving search to the left navigation bar is a horrible idea. Adds an extra step to searching and the nav bar is already poorly implemented as it constantly gets in the way if your mouse hovers a few centimeters too far and then you have to wait for it to disappear. Does anyone actually use Smartsheet before implementing these changes?
I am not sure where else to share feedback - but the new left-hand navigation bar and lack of search box in the top right hand corner is atrocious. The symbols on the left-hand side are now tiny, and there is almost no contrast with the new color scheme. I used the right-hand side, top corner search bar literally… 15? times a day. Now I have to click over on the left-hand side, too, to open it? Is there any sort of inquiry before you just "optimize" things and make them horrid to use? Signed, Apparently a Dinosaur
I agree!
I do appreciate the left menu being narrower, but agree the search function needs to return to the top right for convenience.
Screen capture of my mouse going too far past the left nav bar:
This is actually the worst - I really need the search bar back.
Emmy, you can still access it - you just have to go to the left-hand navigation pane and click the magnifying glass and it pops open a search window - but it is much less user friendly than it just being a blank field in the upper right-hand corner.
I completely agree with Andrew, This is a change for the worse for many reasons, efficiency, ergonomics, And ease of use to start. Every time I use Smartsheets it starts by searching for an item, which is now something I dred dealing with. I sincerely hope the search bar is returned to its rightful home, you can even leave the new search icon if it appeases others but the original search bar is crucial to my own and my co-workers workflow.
I am an early adopter and have provided feedback through that program. I didn't know this was rolled out to everyone already. I'm OK with the icon changes and I like that you can now see forms in the Workspace panel, but I agree having an extra click to search is not user friendly or efficient.
Andrea Zenner
Program Manager | Infrastructure & Operations
Apogee Enterprises
EAP | Mobilizer | Core Product Certified | Superstar
AGREE!! I almost submitted a ticket until I found this conversation - I also use it so constantly - why would they do this??? VERY disappointed.
I agree with Andrew as well, please return the search bar to its original place.
Agree - my team uses the search feature often. Moving it to the opposite side of the screen and adding an extra click to access it seems counter-intuitive and inefficient.
Imagine hiding one of the most important features and adding an extra click and calling it an improvement to efficiency.
I noticed they added it back to the top of the landing page, but it's still not on the sheets. My team said, "Use CTRL+F." I was like, "That searches the sheet you are on, not all sheets." I search all sheets many, many times a day.
Bring back the search bar that used to exist in the top right of the sheets. After the latest update, we now have to click an extra button to accomplish the same thing.
Completely agree. Change for the sake of change, not at all helpful to remove the search bar from the upper right.