Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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What happened to my critical path?!

Good morning Ss Community!

I found some great answers, especially to this question: Why don't I see the critical path? — Smartsheet Community so I have already tried some of those suggestions:
* sort by Start Date for chronological list of tasks helped the view but didn't fix my issue (see below for details)
* task spans the entire project that should be broken into parent/child tasks until that task is no longer on the critical path — That task was intended as a placeholder or title so I'm not sure how best to break up that task; maybe I just need to change its level until I can delete it? Also, Feel free make any other suggestions that could improve this tracker.

The issue: The last time I was in Ss, I had a small critical path with only a few tasks (just enough to make sure I was doing it right) but when I went in today to fill in gaps, that critical path has disappeared and the today's critical path contains completely different tasks. I assume this is due to new tasks being entered with dependencies that did not connect to what I had previously; fine. How do I rebuild the critical path? Is it possible to lock the path?

The attachment is zoomed in to show as much of the project time as possibe; unfortunately, it makes the indiviual tasks illegible.

Any guidance is appreciated


Jessie D (London ON)

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