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Read Only fields on emailed Request for Update


In my work case I would like the ability to send read-only fields on a Request for Update, to give context to the request and allow different parties to process their relevant information. They do not need to change any of the read-only information during the steps I en-vised, though they do need to enter some other information, and must be able to change the record details when within the sheet.

Locking the column is not really an option, as I do not want every user to have admin access to these sheets.

Perhaps, when editing the column properties, a checkbox could be added to make the field read-only for messages without the need to lock the column. See example.

n.b. I have considered using a calculated column using JOIN(), which would be locked and hidden, to be used when sending requests for update. However, this extra step is not ideal for two reasons. (1) I primarily manage this project and this extra complexity makes it harder for my colleagues to manage when I am not around and (2) We regularly export these sheets and this requires us to add a step to strip out the extra hidden fields, adding time, albeit small.

11 votes

Idea Submitted · Last Updated


  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/24/23

    When submitting an update request using automation, we want some fields to be editable but other fields to be more for information purposes. I don't want to lock these fields on the main grid, because there are other points in the process where we may want users to edit those fields.

    We should be able to include fields as informational vs. editable in update requests so that users are clear which fields we need updates from them on.

    Here's a screenshot as an example. In the below approval request I'm testing, I only want the approver to be able to edit the field in red (at this stage in the process). Would be nice if the request could only include the other fields as informational and not be editable here. Maybe when selecting the fields when you create the automation, you can select them in the appropriate bucket: Informational or Editable.

  • ✭✭✭

    To have read-only for update requests when the column is locked, or only needs to be read (as opposed to being edited) would be a big help, and save lots of questions from recipients not knowing if they should change something or not. Plus, if conditional formatting could transfer across somehow to update requests (even with an asterisk or something) that would be great, so the updater could see if something is coming up to or past due date but status hasn't changed.

  • ✭✭
    edited 12/13/24

    I very much agree - it would be great if locking the column made the field non-editable.

    Similarly, it does not help that you cannot include placeholders in the subject or message fields, or else it simply sends the default text. I just created a ticket for this:

  • ✭✭

    I need this functionality as well. I need updates to only 1 column from stakeholders, but need to include other columns to give the stakeholder the relevant information needed to make their update. The update requests are unclear what you are asking for an update on (and giving users an opportunity to create errors).

  • ✭✭✭✭

    Agreed! I need some fields on Update Requests to be read-only. These are sent to external partners and we need them to see what the job is without being able to edit the field.

  • ✭✭✭✭

    I need this! So many times have I had a need for this on my forms. 🦊

    Sherry Fox

    Business Process Analyst 3 | C5ISR Group | HII | Mission Technologies

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  • Hi all,
    Just wanted to jump in here to make sure anyone commenting on this thread knows that you can turn fields in Update Requests to be read only by Locking a field or column 🙂

    Owners and Admins can make updates (since they can update locked fields directly in the sheet), so if you have these permissions you may not have seen this in your testing.

    Here's more information:
    Site faviconRequest updates with workflows | Smartsheet Learning Center

    The original poster also suggested another option: joining multiple fields together with a formula in a hidden sheet column, then surfacing that in the update request as "extra info".


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  • ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the update Genevieve, however is there a way to have read-only as it's own option (as part of setting up the automation, like a checkbox to tick to say 'field is read-only'), as sometimes people with editing permissions (but not needing admin) will need to make changes to the column, so therefore locking the column isn't feasible. Would be great to get this on the roadmap!

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