Are you able to provide more details? The way I am reading this, it is already possible which means I must be misunderstanding what you're looking for.
The ability to explicitly create an order of execution for automations rather than relying on the last modified date would be beneficial to Smartsheet Designers. My suggestion is to add a dependency dropdown box as part of the trigger box. The dependency dropdown box would self-populate with the names of automations already created (much like column names do). The default selection would be something like "No Dependency" or just be blank.
Relying on the modified date is a recipe for breaking a business process. E.g., I use automation to route document approvals to multiple reviewers. If I update one of the various workflows that drive this business process, then the e-mail created during the approval block does not have the correct suspense because the Record Date automation ran after the next action in the approval automation. (Note: This situation could be remedied if the "Record Date" action was not a terminal action).
I'd like to see a feature where I could make a call out from one workflow to an existing workflow. Due the current limitations within the existing workflow feature, being able to "link" different workflows together will allow for more complex automation such as nested if, If/then/else, or automation of multiple field population.
Have multiple workflows kick off based on a set of actions, that are in a group of processes either run as a concurrent process with a starting action, or order of operations that are real-time.
Are you able to provide more details? The way I am reading this, it is already possible which means I must be misunderstanding what you're looking for.
Group workflows together
Commenting to boost
We need the ability to apply a sequence/order to Workflows.
We have situations where two separate workflows have their condition met at the same time, and both of their outputs are targeting the same field (updating a status field, for example). We have no way of controlling which of these workflows take precedence (or runs 'last').
Ideally we should be able to set a sequence order on Workflows (maybe by dragging and dropping them higher/lower in the list).