I would love to have the ability to choose/create custom colors, similar to Google Sheets, rather than being stuck to the same color palette!
vs. this:
I need to color code every project (helps with my ADHD) but I run out of colors fast and I can't use the dark ones because the font is in black (don't want to turn it white). Can you please consider expanding the options for lighter colors?
Thank you!
That's it. It's such a simple request but would provide so much value. Working with clients and creating files for them with the Windows 95 color palette only kills the look and connection of the company to the files. I'm sure it's a bit more complicated than it looks, but I can't wrap my head around how it still isn't a thing after seeing the amount of requests for it that goes back years. Or if not custom, at least a larger palette of colors and shades.
I would love the capability to customize available colors within the Smartsheet sheet itself - including custom colors for background and text. This would allow the branding to align more closely with my needs.
This seems a no brainer, A more robust color picker is very much needed.
Agree with having more colors or color picker, so i can produce the sheet in the branding color, these also for more different fonts
We need to be able to do the same custom colors that we can do in dashboards in the sheets! Especially since some of the formatting pulls forward to the dashboard, and not all formatting can be managed from the dashboard when pulling from a report.
Please can you add the ability to select your own colours within sheets. This seems a very simple implementation yet has been requested from way back in 2022.
@SmartSheet Any updates on the timeline for this request? Really hoping for this to come soon!!
@brianamcdougall @Bradhickswa @nmercer @Nora Harris @Aycunnin @MPM @JAMSWMBA @malbers @Sameer K @Sameer Karkhanis @Kristen12345 @SPIPMO @Mattisphere @Deanna Vandermeer @Joe Goetschel @Nick Burrus @Chuck Mihaliak @Josh Reed @ZackStahl @dyan_brown @Andreas Thun @PeggyLang @KDavis_WF @CYNV @A.J. @pyohay @meb_0101 @Haylee Swensen @Jessica Krueger @Jonnymckee20 @Jbetschart @lannarelli @DrAlexH @Julie Becker @Craig Callison II @Crawhammer @Dan L @eehling @carly B @David deSousa @Daniela_ela_ela @dadkins @Lauren Anne S. @gwilkinson @Bob van Beek @LmLawson @Leeh tagging y'all in hopes of getting some upvotes and comment support so we can get an update on this!!🙌
I'd like the ability to be able to use custom colors within sheets to distinguish parent/grandparent rows etc. The existing and limited color set is not always conducive to a professional visual present. Additionally, we often share sheets with clients for collaboration and project tracking and customize color on the dashboard to the client colors and it would be beneficial to utilize the same colors at the sheet level.