Formulas and Functions

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Can you use the TIME function to calculate the difference i.e. duration between values in 2 columns?

edited 02/26/25 in Formulas and Functions

Hello, I've previously used the many pointers and guidance on the forums for coming up with solutions that help calculate time and duration between columns using a range of different helper columns..

I've never used the TIME function before, but I'm hoping I can use this to try and save having to add multiple helper columns in.

I was hoping hoping to use the TIME function to work out the duration between the time in the END OF SET and START OF SET columns. Using the following formula:
=(TIME([END OF SET]@row) - TIME([START OF SET]@row))
I get the below result in the DURATION column

Using the TIME function help page, I was hoping to add ", 0, 2)" at the end of the formula for it to then change the decimal value into a 12hr clock format and for it to return it as hh:mm. Unfortunately, I get an UNPARSEABLE error code.

My questions are - is what I'm trying to do possible using the TIME function and avoiding having to use extra helper columns? And if so, what am I doing wrong?


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