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STS dots

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

Is there a way to add another color dot to the Drop down, or select a new one with 5 colored dots for the STS column?


  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hello! I am not exactly sure what an "STS column" is but currently we only have the RYG and RYGB ball options for columns. 


    You might consider using a different symbol type that does support 5 options, such as Harvey balls or stars.


    Another option is to add a Dropdown list to your sheet with your 5 color options as predetermined values. Next, set up conditional formatting rules to change the color of the Dropdown list text and background color based on the color you select from the list.


  • nkopp

    That will work, thanksn Travis.

  • rp642959706

    Hi there, Hoping there is an easier way to have 5 color status balls....  This post is from 2015, hoping changes have been made to support 5 status colors...LMK thanks

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