Archived 2017 Posts

Archived 2017 Posts

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Auto Number Columns Based on Other Column Input

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Is it possible to link the auto number format to data in other columns? 

For instance, if the user selects a particular product type in a form (Soda, Water, Juice), can I create an auto number column format that looks like Soda-001 or Juice-001? 




  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    you could add a column which would have the formula that uses the item id autonumber with the other data and then just hide the autonumber from view?

    =[Column2]14 + "-" +  ItemID14 (this was in row 14)



  • If one wanted independent auto-numbers for each type, one could also use a formula to count the number of rows with that type and create an identifier based on that.

    =Type1 + "-" + RIGHT(1000 + COUNTIF(Type$1:Type1, Type1), 3)

    Since I'm not using the auto-number ability to prefix zeros, I use the RIGHT() function to reproduce that functionality.

    The COUNT() function checks a range of the Type column for values that equal the type in that row.



  • Ricki and Ryan, 

    Thanks a ton. I have both methods working. Problem solved. 


  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Be aware that solutions like this will fail if the rows are sorted.

    Smartsheet does not have a 'toggle' or 'lock formula results' feature to prevent the formula from recalculating after the rows are sorted.


This discussion has been closed.

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