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Project Plan views / Task assignee see's just their tasks

Jason Hawker
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I have read posts where it says to use project plan FILTERS or create one off REPORTS to execute this requirement. This seems inefficient and each option lacks what the other provides. 


I want an all in one feature within a project plan where I can set 'resources' view permissions based on when they're assigned a task (like filtering) helping avoid the need to create one off reports for each resource which just pulls data across from the master project plan anyways.


1. Be able to set SHARING permissions for each viewer by either seeing just their assigned tasks (assigned to) or all project plan tasks.

2. Host the 'filter' feature option where we can check the box 'include parent rows'.

Is there anything like available now this I'm missing? 


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