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Advice for creating Summary Sheet/Report/Sight

Stan Adell
Stan Adell ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I have become fairly comfortable with Smartsheet, but need a solution that I could use some help on. I have Project sheets and reports for teams and users that use the Status field for counts. I want to create a sheet/report/sight that shows the status for all projects assigned to a team and each user. Hopefully this image will help if anyone has any ideas. Thanks!



  • Kennedy Stomps

    Hi Stan--


    Are you be looking to have the Team Member task breakdown in the same Sight as the overall Team task widgets? If so, you might consider pulling those individual Team member rows into a Report, then using the Reporting widget to present these in your Dashboard. This will probably be the cleanest way to present what I assume is a data set that is on the larger side, as opposed to using individual widgets for each team member!

  • Stan Adell

    Thanks for the response, Kennedy. To clarify, I just want a sheet like the top example that has the task breakdown counts. Once I have those I can create a sight. I just don't know the forumla to capture all of a team meber tasks into the sheet columns.


  • Steve N


    Is there a publicly available solution to this query?

    I'm getting up to speed with Smartsheet, and this would really help

  • Jones

    yeh - I would also like a nice way to do this - how do people set up "summary" sheets for Dashboards?

  • lchungLP

    I'm encountering the same problem. I have a master sheet, but I would like to be able to report and build useful dashboards based on that master. It has turned into a nightmare with 20+ reports just to get a single dashboard created. I can't create a chart based on summary data from a report because it's not numeric, but I can't summarize the report data into numeric because I can't insert any formulas into a report. 

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