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Start-to-Finish Predecessors Doesn't Work as Expected with Multiple Predecessors

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hi there,


I'm running into a roadblock I'm hoping someone could help with.


I'm planning my schedule backwards from an end date, and using Start-to-Finish Predecessors as recommended in this article (http://help.smartsheet.com/customer/portal/articles/765727).


Here's the problem: I have a task (let's call it Task 1) that must be finished before two different tasks can start (let's call them Task 2 and 3). But, when I use the Start-to-Finish Predecessor (Task 1, shows 2SF and 3SF as Predecessors) it allows Task 2 to start before Task 1 finishes. However if I delete Task 3 as a SF Predecessorfor Task 1, it correctly aligns Task 2 to start after Task 1.


Any help is much appreciated.



  • Jess Price

    Start to Finish predecessor means that when Task 2 and 3 finish, task 1 will start.

    It sounds like you need to set it to Finish to start, meaning task 1's finish will be the start for task 2 and 3. Add a -1d to the predecessor if you want task 2 and 3 to start on the same day task 1 finishes. I hope this helps.

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