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Help Needed! - IF rule

Ben Trowell
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts



I am trying to total a column based on whether a value has been entered (but to ignore the actual value), giving a total of the cells with values in. Something along the lines of IF value greater than 0, to count that as 1..


Help would be greatly appreciated if anybody knows the formula??


Kindest Regards,




  • tobrien3

    If the cells are originally blank you should be able to do a simple count like this:




    or do the cells have a default value of zero?

  • Jenny Lam

    Hi Ben,


    To come up with a count only when the cell has a value greater than 0, and is not blank, please try this forumua: 


    =COUNTIF([ColumnName]:[ColumnName], ">" + 0)


    For example, I used it on "Coumn5" on my sheet, and the foumla calculated the counts as 2 out of 4 rows, becasue it skips counting one row that is blank, and the other row that has 0.



  • Ben Trowell

    Jenny Lam - this is exactly what I was looking for. Thanking you!!

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