Archived 2015 Posts

Archived 2015 Posts

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How do I run a report based on multiple smartsheets with varied column headings?

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

When I select the "What?" criteria for running a report, it wants a number and not all columns contain numbers, some contain tasks written in text. Is there a workaround?


Do column headings need to be labeled the same across all smartsheets/workspaces used to generate the report?


Do separate reports need to be run for sheets versus workspaces?


  • Employee

    Good questions, Maria! When building a report, Where lets you select which sheets you want included in the report. Who is for Contact List columns, When is Date columns, and What are all the other columns - Text/Number, Checkbox, Symbols, etc.  


    When selecting Who, What, When, you will see all the columns of that type that exists in any of the sheets you have selected under Where. If you are not able to find a specific column under What then it might not be a Text/Number column - try checking the other sections for your column. 


    If you want data from multiple sheets to appear in the same column in a sheet, the column name and type must be identical across your sheets. 



    A report can included sheets located in and out of workspaces, you do not need separate reports.


    Check out this Help Center article on creating reports for more information:

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