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Is there a way to build a template containing multiple sheets

Jim Jeffcoat
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

What I'm trying to do (maybe there is a better way) is to build a project template with contains the project sheet, a requirements sheet, and a budget sheet. When we "use" the template, it then creates all three sheets. Similar to the "Solutions" on the Smartsheet website. Thanks in advance for any help.


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You can build the sheets in their own workspace and copy the work (Save as New)


    You can choose what you keep - formatting, cell links, sharing, etc..



  • Jim Jeffcoat
    edited 05/19/16

    Craig, Thanks! That makes good sense. That means I could treat a workspace much like a project workbook or folder and have the main sheet and the supporting sheets in the same group. I'm evaluating Smartsheet as a possible PM solution for our Hospital. I've built a SharePoint solution for larger projects, but it requires a lot of support and training to bring staff up to speed on how to use it (most are clinical staff with no PM experience). Smartsheet seems like a good way to get information in one spot, much like Excel, but with a bunch of extra bells and whistles... and add-ons. I'm looking forward to learning more about the real life uses. Thanks again for the tip!



  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    That is one of Smartsheet's strengths. 

    That's how I use the workspace - each project is it's own world.

    Once the structure is setup, it does not take long to get the next project up and running. A few feature  requests pending to make it even better.


    If you need help, reach out to Richard at Smarter Business Consultants.

    I work with him and he has free one hour consulting offer.

    Sometimes, that's all it takes.




  • Jim Jeffcoat

    Craig, I think I'm getting the hang of it now. I have three sheets that make up a project template. I have a Workspace for each department. When a department has a need for a new project sheet set, I build it from the template and drop it into a new project folder under that departments Workspace.


    This seems like it should work, the only question I'm getting now is " The sheets in each folder have the same name "Project Budget" for example. If I have more than one "Project Budget" sheet open at a time, how do I know which "Project Budget" tab is which??? without having to click on each open tab? It's sounds minor to me, but I don't see a way to dynamically rename the sheets. I'd be happy if I could get the staff to just write down their tasks... at least.... Once they get a chance to work with this tool, I hope they see how much "running around in circles" time is reduced and they can communicate better across project teams....



  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    For me, best practice seems to  be to rename the main sheets, particularly the ones that have Alerts. 

    The tab names are a minor inconvenience to me too. However, getting 4 emails from the "Action Items" sheet(s) and having gmail put them into the same thread is more than minor.


    I have had good luck with NOT renaming the Reports - I tend to open those for a specific purpose and then close them again. Sheets seem to linger like the smell of cooking.


    The only way to dynamically change the sheet would be through the API and I'm only guessing - although the "build my new project" seems like a worthy endeavor for that.


    There are alternatives using multiple browser windows, but then you are just moving the problem (and adding new ones) not fixing it.


    Hope this helps.





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