Option to deactivate an user

Arpan Sana
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

In shartsheet, there should be a option to stop a user from login (without making any changes with shared sheet settings). As of now, if a employee leaves the company, we have following options to stop that employee from using the company's smartsheet

  • Delete user - But that deletes all records for that employee and its not a good option for auditing point of view.
  • Remove user sharing access - This will remove all shared access but that user remain active. There is no indication that all sharing is removed. So when I looked back to the user list after a while, its create confusion whether I remove the sharing or not. And there is no option to check that.
  • Transfer owned items to other user - We generally don't use this option except for licensed user. This create confusion for assessment and also in audit

So my suggestion is - there should be a option to inactive/suspend an user. If we suspend an user, he/she will not be able to login in smartsheet any more. All other data like shared sheet, assignment etc will remain exact same. So when an employee leaves the company, we just suspend that user and it will also reflect in status column in user management page. so we can easily check whether we remove the permission or not.

there are two way we can accomplish this option 

  1. Just give a check box in user profile to inactive/active an user.
  2. Or give an option to set a termination date after which user will no longer able to login.

Personally I like the 2nd option because it gives me a option to set a termination date in advance, so that we don't need to wait till date when the employee actually leaving the company. In future if required, we can remove the date to activate that user again.

