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Setting a conditional format when a date is e.g more than a week ago??

Chloe SP
Chloe SP
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hello all

I am fairly new to Smartsheet and am trying to create an 'orders overview & management spreadsheet' for our family business.

I want apply a conditional format to a particular date column so that if the date entered is more than 7 days ago, it will highlight the cell in red & bold.

I can't seem to do this with the conditional formatting built into smartsheet, can someone please tell me if this is possible?


e.g Todays date is 19th Feb, the date on this column is 10th Feb (i.e more than 7 days ago), I want the cell to automatically highlight red until the responsible person changes the date.


Many thanks in advance!


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Unlike other conditional formatting options (for other column types), we don't have a "when condition is NOT met" option. That would allow us to solve this problem without a formula.


    However, we can't so you'll need to create a column to determine if the criteria is met.

    I woud use a CheckBox column and this formula.


    =IF((TODAY() - [Particular Date]23) > 7, 1, 0)


    My date column is named [Particular Date] and the formula is looking to the date on row 23.


    Key the conditional formatting for when the check box is checked.


    Hope this helps.



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