Weekly Alert Timing
We are trying to use a sheet to manage documents that will be updated weekly. Rather than have to send them to everyone, we want to have a weekly email sent to particular people WITH THE ATTACHMENTS ONLY. We do not want to send an email with the sheet attached, we just want the attachments in the email. We did a "test"…
Editing attachments in Office 365
We are hoping to roll out Office 365 in a few months (maybe longer). I'm wondering if that allows the editing of documents as links or attachments in Smartsheet (we're not able to use Google or the other listed options at this time). Blessings, Loann
Downloading attachments through API with URLs fails
When requesting to download an object, I get a "timing limited" URL of the form: https://s3.amazonaws.com/SmartsheetB1/*******?response-content-disposition=attachment;filename="*************************.pdf";filename*=UTF-8''*************************.pdf&Signature=*********=&Expires=********&AWSAccessKeyId=***************…
Is there a way to send multiple sheets in one email?
Bulk Document Attahcment
Does anyone know of a way to attached documents to a Smartsheet programatically? I have files that are named with a tag that is also unique to a specific row in my sheet (thousands, so manual attachment is out of the question). I would like to be able to periodically attach documents based on this tag as my sheet grows and…
Row Last Modified Date doesn't reflect edits made to discussions or attachments
I have a column that populates with Modified (Date) to give me a quick view of the last time a row was updated. This column is not updating, however, when I modify a discussion or add an attachment. Is there a way to force the system column to include these edits?
Cannot Upload from Computer - Attachment
I cannot attach a file from my computer. "Upload from Computer" is not an option in the Attach dropdown. what can i do to access this option? Box, Evernote and Link are the only options. Barb
Attachments from Google Drive
When I try to add an attachment from Google Drive, the only files that show up are the ones in my personal Google Drive account. How do I switch this to show only the files on my work Google Drive account?
Support for Office 365 Sharepoint attachments
Our single largest GAP to fully fuel our workflow with Smartsheet is attachments as objects for Office 365. The Google Docs and Evernote integration is great, we simply need the same for Office 365. If I was to aim high at the wishlist I would like to see the modify date and last modified date attributes from Office 365…
Smartsheet Reports going directly into a sheet as an attachment
Hi, I wondered if anyone knew how to upload a report directly into a new sheet? At the moment I email the report that I have run and add that report as an attachment to another one of my sheets, is there a way this can be done missing out the email link? I'd love to run the report as an excel document and attach it to my…