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Coordinating multiple projects and sharing sensitive documents selectively


I have 5 vendors working on a project. All five vendors have tasks which are significant projects in their onw right. There are interdenpendencies. I want to coordinate the project in a way that there is one gantt chart for the overall project which all vendors and their teams can see, their project managers can edit and communicate. I want to attach project related documents like drawings, qoutes, email exchange with supplier etc but want to be selective as to who can see what document; i don't want to share confidential documents with every body with access to project sheet but want to have all relevant documents attached/stored witht the projectd sheet.


Would appreciate your help.





  • Peter Kirkham

    I have a suspicion you might be able to do this with reporting, but I've not tested it. I use reports to pull a subset of my schedules into OfficeTimeline+, so that I don't have to pull in the entire schedule. I find they are a very useful tool to filter out information in the manner that you describe.



  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Peter is correct, reports can likely do most of what you are looking for.


    With reports, you can have individual sheets for each project, then combine them into a single report with a Gantt chart. You can control the permissions users have on the report (read only, editable). 


    A couple things to consider with reports:


    Users will only see data in the report from sheets they are shared to. This means in your project manager is shared to all the sheets contained in the report, they will see all the data  in the report. But if you have a vendor who is only shared to one sheet which contains their data, they will only see data from that one sheet in the same report. 


    If you dont want to share any of the underlining sheets with a user but you want them to see the report, you can publish a read only copy of the report. 

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