Use triggers from Smartsheet?
Working on a new workflow. Today's workflow is manual and based on emails. I'd like to use the webform to collect the required data (done) and then, based on specific conditions in the sheet fields trigger actions in other system - from generating email to open a service ticket etc. I watched the movie of the docusign -…
Assign To - multiple people
Hi, I'm a new Smartsheet user and am also the Sys Admin and support person here in my institution. After some initial teaching, someone asked about assigning a task to multiple people. I thought maybe that would be Assign To a group. However, something tells me that Smartsheet does not allow assign to multiple people based…
Update email address for contacts does not update shared sheets automatically
Hello all, I have been in the process to update email address for some of my contacts due to the change of domains. However in doing this I realized that all my sheets shared with those specific contacts are not updated with the new information. Let's say that I have already shared or assigned tasks to these contacts. I…
Sharing a Folder in a workspace
How can I share a folder with specific people in a workspace while limiting them from seeing other folders in the same workspace? ...It's been over two years since this feature was requested. https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/sharing-folder-workspace#comment-form
adding new users as a group
I need to add over 100 new users and do not want to have to go back afterwards and assign them to a group. Is there any way to create a group first and include them as a group before adding them to the account?
Smartsheet as CRM with differentiated Accounts, Contacts, and Tasks
Hi everyone! I am trying to use Smartsheet as a simple but complete sales/CRM solution. I want to be able to have three different things: Accounts (like a company, "XYZ Tractors") Contacts (like a person, "John Smith, Senior Manager, employee at XYZ Tractors”) Tasks (“Create a sales quote for John”) In Smartsheet, there is…
Reminder to complete form to outside email accounts
I have 3 forms, that I need to be sent out as a reminder on a certain date. I have a 4th form I used to collect email addresses that I would send the weekly form to those addresses. I want to keep reminding them to complete the form if they have not by a certain date. So I was thinking I could make a email list (personal)…
Contact Columns marked Multiple Don't Populate Legacy Reports
I have 140 or so projects I manage reporting on and was excited to see that we could now do multiple contacts in our Assigned To column. However, when adding new projects with this feature enabled I noticed that Reports count those columns as different than other Assigned To columns without this feature enabled even though…
[Feature Request] Tag people in comment / discussion
Hi, Will we be able to tag or reference people in the discussions in the near future? It will be good if we could just tag or reference people (@) by their name in the discussions and they get notified. Currently, we have to add a comment / discussion to retain the context to that row and then have to 'Send' that row to…
Building sheets that talk to each other
Hello, I have two sheets I would like to reference data to and from and I understand how to us the =VLookup option BUT what I cant seem to get it to work. I basically want one sheet that our shipping team updates to automatically update another sheet my purchasing team uses. The columns have dates and check boxes so when…