Creative ways to show a form to a user
Hi, Not sure if this is possible but I thought I'd ask in case anyone has a creative workaround. I have a scenario where I want to send certain columns from one sheet to another. I'm able to do this using a checkbox and Zapier that does the heavy lifting. However, I'd love for there to be a way to bring up a form when a…
Multiple Selection in Forms that Adjust Inventory Levels in Another Sheet
I currently have an inventory sheet I created myself (did not use a template in SmartSheets). It works well, but I'm trying to integrate a From that will automatically adjust inventory levels when submitted/completed. Doing this for 1 item on the inventory sheet is fine, but sometimes users will need to submit for more…
How do I create a desktop shortcut to a form for Chrome users?
Hi there We are looking to save a form as a desktop shortcut. A few of our users have done this but are only able to submit the form once and then it will no longer submit for them. They get an error message. This is a maintenance request form so it is submitted multiple times in a row to create additional tickets. I don't…
Form submissions
Is there any way to track forms that have been started, but not submitted?
Is there a way to format text on a form?
We would like to be able to perform additional formatting on our forms - to underline/bold text or have some text be a different color. Is there a way to do this that I am missing? I've reviewed the forums and help articles and haven't found anything that addresses this. Thanks, Lisa
Automate applying contact to cell after using form to submit data
I am using a form to gather request information from users outside of Smartsheet. I cannot ask all of the target form users to create a Smartsheet account, which makes what I would like to do probably more difficult. Is there a way to have the cell that I am currently having users put their name into when they submit the…
Product Registration
I may be interested in creating a product registration system that allows our customers to register their purchased products in a Smartsheet Form. Has anyone done this? Looking for pros/cons, tips, maybe let me see your solution.
Smartsheets Budget Forecasting
Hello, I am trying to create a custom sheet. It would be a calendar with a nested daily budget. For each day of the week we would be able to update the expenses or add budget forecasting. It should also show the running monthly and yearly total.
Allow ISO 8601 Date format for dates (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss)
ISO 8601 is an international data standard and a part of two national standards in the United States. "The standard provides a well-defined, unambiguous method of representing calendar dates and times in worldwide communications, especially to avoid misinterpreting numeric dates and times when such data is transferred…
Add Cell Data in a Custom Form URL
Hi. I've created a form and want to create QR codes that, when scanned, pre-fills certain data (a session title, and speaker name). The Session Title and speaker name are in a different table (TABLE1) for which the form feeds (TABLE2). The URL will ultimately resemble:…