Is there a way to auto-generate an MOM (Minutes Of The Meeting) type of sheet/report from your WBS?
I'd like to know if there's anyone here who has tried generating an MOM (minutes of the meeting) directly pulled from your WBS? The intention is for PMs to prevent doing duplicate work, one is updating their WBS, then another sheet or document type for their MOM. Appreciate anyone who can share their experience and best…
Elapsed Time from Today
Hi there, I'm trying to write a formula wherein I can track elapsed time since an injury occurred at work. My team would submit daily on a form created and based on the logic I'd like it to parse the data and determine if a 'yes' value is entered then the days elapsed would reset. If a 'no' value is entered then the days…
Smartsheet Forms - Show field when (multiple validations)
I have a form where if 3 fields are blank I need a 4th field to be shown and be required. I have logic right now to show the 4th field if the fields are blank, however it's OR logic and I can't see a way to change it to AND. Is this possible and if so, how? (Below is the 4th field and the current logic)
CHILD entries from forms
Hi Community Looking at a process to collect information using two forms - the first form collects fundamental information (eg requestor, dept, LM). This form triggers a second (using 'send the user to url option) that collects more detailed, specific information (eg purchase item details for request No.1). This second…
Adding a Search Function to a Form to update data in a Sheet
I am new to SmartSheet. We will mostly be using one large sheet with client data. I have a person or 2 that will update information in a row, only updating a small number of fields (columns). Can I create a form that will allow them to open the form, search for a name from the main sheet, choose the right name from a list…
Adding a Smartsheet Form to MS Teams
Has anyone discovered a way to just add the actual form from a smartsheet to a tab in a Teams channel? I am looking for a way to have my dept. log and archive certain information that they come across in their day to day work. I felt the best way to do this was by giving them a simple form to copy paste that info into. I…
Copy of Form + Responses
Hello, How do I generate a copy of a form + responses from a past submitter? The only option I've seen is to print a PDF from a Smartsheet row. This isn't helpful because in doing this, the questions appear in short form along with the submitter responses. This would not be appropriate to send to a submitter in my…
Form Submission Issues
Hello! I have a Smartsheet that I use to track multiple data entries each day from our vendor agents. I created a form for them to fill out for each instance, and they typically have no problem adding the data to my Smartsheet. Recently, when the agents try to submit a form, if they select the "Send me a copy of my…
Index/Match vertical Report
Hello, I have a form for people to submit dinner menus for themselves and for up to 11 guests (but there would be 12 children as the primary contact meal would be a child as well), plus drinks. This forms feed into a sheet that has 74 potential columns of information. As you can imagine, it is too large to really see…
Have a field automatically filled out based on who is filling out the field
When my team is entering in projects, each engineer enters his own project. Currently we have to select our own name from a drop down, but having it be editable but already filled out in the form would help.