Using forms to update a record
I've perused the Smartsheet community posts for the answer to this question and get varying results. Objective: Use a Smartsheet Form to update a row (a record) of data. Background: We are currently using an Excel file with a VBScript form to update records of data. The VBScript form allows us to select the record to…
Column formula do not appear in form
Hello, Hope you all are good in this crazy time. I'm really new in smartsheet and maybe what I'm trying to do is not viable, so I'll try to explain myself as details as possible: I want to create a form with some fields "auto-fillable" based on a cross-reference VLOOKUP formula. I have a main sheet and there is a column…
Does Smartsheet Form have any APIs?
Hi, I'm trying to automate the form submission process for my team, I saw form submission seems to be calling https://forms.smartsheet.com/api/submit, just wondering if we have any APIs open for this like the api.smartsheet.com ones? Thanks
Creating a sub-set view of a master sheet for external stakeholders to view and edit
Hello! New to smartsheets, so apologies if this is a novice question. I have a master sheet which I am collaborating with my team on, and I want to be able to share with an external stakeholder an editable version with only select rows (based on a filter) and select columns visible but editable to provide updates. The…
Is there a way to download SmartSheet form as a PDF?
I want to be able to use Smartsheet form as a PDF also in cases where I have to manually write information or use the form as a Job Sheet for Complaint/Servicing form. How can I do that? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Submit button on form greyed out
Simple problem - I have a form with only a single required field, which is an attachment, and a few optional fields, however the submit button remains greyed out when the required attachment has been added, and only becomes available when one of the optional fields has something entered into it. I have tried fiddling with…
Email as form field and for copy of responses
My organization has just started using Smartsheet and I created my first form. I have a required "Email" field. I also enable the submitter the option to receive a email copy of their submission, which also requires an email. I announced the form and asked for feedback. Immediate and understandable feedback was, "Why do I…
Auto adding dropdown options?
Hi, I am trying to establish a training eval form which can pull training titles from an existing sheet as options for a dropdown menu. Any suggestions? @Genevieve P
Formula results in a Smartsheet form
I'm adapting an Excel-based grant application to Smartsheet. It's working well, but there's one feature in Excel that I don't know if the Smartsheet form can do. In the Excel version, we've included fields that automatically total different requested amounts and also show the average amount requested per participant. This…
How do I pre populate a form based on a project plan?
I have a simple form that I created to capture time spent on tasks of a project plan. I would like to have the link (in each row of the project plan) populate the form for the User, phase, task and date of the project. An example of the test I was running for the user is smartsheeturl?User="Assigned%20To]@row When I use…