Forms - can you make formulas on dates?
can the sheet have a formula when the form selecting a date - gives a response? =IFS([@Response]="", " ", OR(WEEKDAY([@Response])={1,7}), "That is a weekend date. Please select a different date.", OR(WEEKDAY([@Response])={2,3,4,5,6}), TEXT([@Response], "dddd")) where the form entry will prompt a new suggestion?
I created a scheduling system using a grid/form/dashboard. After implementation I found out that forms do not have any permission settings. Ex. I had a grid/form that I only want 10 people to access, the grid is restricted but everyone can access and submit using the form. For this project to be successful, I either need…
How can I send someone a copy of the form they submitted, INCLUDING the description areas on form?
I am aware of how to send someone a copy of their responses. I am seeking how to send them a copy of the description areas on the form as well. ie. how do I send them a copy of the form that they viewed as they were submitting it, along with their responses?
Is it possible to see which form was for entries on a sheet?
I can't figure out how to use a sheet with multiple forms and then how to tell which entry was submitted using which form. For instance, I am sending out 6 different forms that all belong to one sheet. These forms all of slightly different information on them. Then, those people all respond and I have a sheet full of 20…
Conditional logic in a form
I have created a form with conditional logic. The logic displays "catalog responsible" (column was previously set as contact list) and it is displayed only if the previous field is selected with "prod" option (column is set as dropdown) The form works perfectly, but since other group of persons will have access to the data…
Form response adding up to exactly 100%
Hi there, I am creating a form to track employee time against projects. I have created individual drop down lists (10%, 20%, 30%, up to 100%) for each project. I want an error code to pop up if employees responses add up to more or less than 100%. Is this possible? I believe Rick had a similar question here-…
Smartsheet App Barcode Scanner
Anyone out there find the barcode scanner on the app, particularly into webforms SUPER sensitive!? We've just started using a product expiry system in smartsheet which requires those receiving orders to scan the product barcode into a webform and enter the expiry date, qty etc. Then once that goes through to a 'landing…
Printing a form
Hi there, Is it possible to print a blank form? We have a couple of forms that are particularly long and require some research to complete. We would like to be able to provide a PDF of the form, both before and after completion. Many thanks V
Access/Restriction using forms
Hello, I created a dashboard with the intent of approved access only users for some links with the widgets. It is functioning for the links to pages, but not the forms themselves. Everyone can view, but i want to limit access to some forms. Though the my links, everyone can submit a form. Can someone please tell me how to…
Automatic Deletion
I am looking for a way to set up an automation for deleting rows in a sheet. My firm is unwilling to go through security testing right now and is wary of putting sensitive data on Smartsheet, but is wanting to use a form to collect the data. They propose that a notification is received when someone fills out a form and the…