Form Submission - Drop Down Selection
Hello All, I just came into work this morning and see a pretty major change with how Smartsheet displays single selection drop-downs on a form. I have a form used by our entire org that allows you to select your location (7000 locations), the only thing that made this work was the ability to start typing and the box…
Could I restrict a field to be NUMBERS only and emails entry only on Smartsheet Form, please?
I'm building a smartsheet form for project intake, is there a way to restrict a field entered to be numbers only? And to have the email entry to be email only like Googlesheet does? i.e., it would error if it's not a valide email Thank you!! Lulu
Web form bug?
Is anyone else having an issue with web forms auto populating a date? See screenshot below. It's auto populating a date in the year "0002". I have the form field setup to be blank. See second screenshot.
Modifying Form Send and Reply Address
Does anyone know how to change the Reply and Sent From address on form notifications?
Removing a Field completely from a Form
I am unable to delete a Heading/Description from the Field Column and it is cluttering up the columns on my sheet. I am able to Delete it from the Form however it just sits in the Field column, When I click remove all my form clears out completely, please help
How do I add iPhone home screen icon shortcut to directly open a form?
Saw it in the Smarsheet webinar that I just attended, but they didn't show how to do it.
Format of column not reflected on completed form
We have a smart sheet that is created when a form is completed. There are multiple columns with the currency format (i.e. $25.00), we created the completed form to generate with additional fields our employees enter. However, the amounts that are formatted as currency on the sheet is not keeping the format and looks like…
FROM and reply to email address
So I have a sheet that has a form attached to it. We use this for our sales reps to enter sales, for an order entry person to enter them in. With this, we built automations to alert/email the order entry person of a new sale. While multiple sales reps enter orders, there are times that the FROM address shows the registered…
How do I change the text in an approval form so it's different from the triggered email?
When I set up an approval workflow, is it possible to change the text in the approval form from the text in the email that is triggered which contains the link to the form? Also, on the approval form is it possible to remove the "Send me a copy of my response" check box?