VLOOKUP data type question
I'm using this vlookup formula to pull back a value from a data sheet. Let's say the value of NUMBER81 is 123456 and when I type in the formula on the desire sheet it returns "No match". When I go to the ACCOUNTS sheet and look at the data there is a value equal to 123456 in Range 1. When I put an apostrophe in front of…
Special formula help
Hi, I'm hoping smartsheet community can help me with an automatic formula. We have a column called "Priority Deal" this is a symbol selection of the stars, where we rate a specific land opportunity (empty/one/two/three/four/five) I'd like to create a formula when a specific star is selected, the column "Deadline Date" is…
Creating less than today check box
I want to create a formula that has a checkbox that will check if the due date column is between today and 7 days. It works but when i format it to the entire column it checks off every because because it considers that if the due date column is blank it's less than today. My formula is: =IF([Proposed Due Date]@row <…
Hi Can anyone help me with these two formulas I am trying to do: 1. IF a cell with a checkbox is true, then run this VLOOKUP formula, otherwise 0. 2. IF a cell contains this text, run this VLOOKUP formula, or IF the same cell contains this text2, run this VLOOKUP formula, or IF the same cell contains this text3, run this…
Reflecting only Parent Rows (multiple) on Dashboard
For a project release, we're leveraging checkboxes to track completion of validation tasks. I have a dashboard built to reflect progress, however am having trouble finding a way to only choose the multiple Parent Rows/Roll Up data, as it's making me include child data or nothing.. (including all the child row stats will be…
Is there a way to display elapsed time for a project?
Hey everyone! I have a project which has the obvious "start" and "end" date columns and Smartsheet automatically calculates the actvity duration. Is there a formula or something which will calculate and display "elapsed" time from start based on the current date? Thanks! Steve Stutz
Checkbox tick then auto highlight certain columns?
Hi, We have a sheet called project milestones for managing the steps of LIVE manufacturing an installation projects. I'd like when our production manager selects a tick box on a specific row, that 4no columns within the row are automatically highlighted light green. The column "In production/ Approval Docs uploaded" Should…
Nested IFs- mutually exclusive
I have a nested IF formula to change the status ball colors as values are entered down the line. They usually get entered one at a time. If column A gets filled then it turns green, then if B gets filled it turns yellow, etc.. Column A | Column B | Column C Green | Yellow | Red X | X | X But sometimes we will skip over…
Alerts for deadlines- Need help
Hi! I am trying to set up an alert for deadlines, but only if a box is checked- not for the whole sheet. So people can basically choose- yes, I want alerts for my deadlines, or - no, I don't want alerts for my deadlines. Right now I have a check box column set up- yes and no. So, I want it so that If the person checks the…
Anonymise form submission
Hi, I have a form which fills a sheet with an "Anonymise" checkbox column and a "Submitter" text box column. (staff feedback form) I'm trying to give form submitters the option to anonymise their submissions. At the moment, an individual has their own link which will auto-populate the submitter on the form but want to be…