Nested If Formulas with conditions in 2 columns
I'm trying to figure out how to create a formula that has a red flag appear if the following are true. I can't seem to figure out how to put the whole formula together. Any help is appreciated. Thanks! IF(AND[Due Date]@row < TODAY(), Status@row <> "Complete" 1, 0) IF(AND([Due Date]@row < TODAY(), Status@row <> “Closed”),…
Separate Data
Does anyone know how do you split data in one cell into multiple columns?
Countif Formula
Hi everyone! Im having trouble with a simple COUNTIF formula. I am getting "UNPARSEABLE" but for the life of me, I just don't know what I'm doing wrong. I want to count how many times the "Weekly Goal" was met in a range of cells. screen shot attached.
Hierarchy tagging
Greetings, I have a organizational structure that has three levels * Campaign * Project * Deliverable * Task I am trying to figure out a way how I can have a column with one of the above values that is based on hierarchy. I have the project and deliverable part figured out using the following formula:…
IF function 100% Complete
Hello, I'm trying to figure out using a symbol column type, once the visual symbol of a checkmark is selected, to then have the % complete column populate "100%". I can't seem to figure out the correct function to apply to all cells under the symbol column to automate this action. Any help on accomplishing this is greatly…
Count Checked boxes from another sheet
Hi - I've seen this question a few times, but I am still not able to get this to work. I have a Metrics page that I am rolling totals up to so I can display a donut chart of projects per GEO. This has worked, up until now, because I have a single column as a drop-down to show these metrics. =COUNTIF({Geos}, Metric9)...I…
Filter on columns with values populated by a formula
Hello. After searching and coming up empty handed, I decided to post for help. I have columns in a sheet that are populated by VLOOKUP functions. Whenever I run a filter on one of those columns, all 1703 rows of my sheet are in included or excluded. As an example, if I set a filter on the "Effective Price To" = "is not in…
Countif, isdate, weeknumber
Hello, I'm trying to write a formula that will count rows containing a date that is part of the current work week. The date column has non date values in a few cells which seems to be throwing off my formula. This is what I have so far; =Countif([Due Date]:[Due Date], AND(isdate(@cell),…
COUNTIFS with multiple conditions
Hi there- I have this formula built to count the number of projects completed within a certain date range: =COUNTIFS({Completion Date}, >DATE(2017, 7, 1) <= DATE(2018, 6, 30)) However, there are five different stages of a project: Completed, Under Construction, Approved, Under Investigation, and Cancelled. I would like to…
Using Trend Arrows
I have a formula which works out the Net Days since an event occurred. I have the following: [Event Type], [Days Since Last Event], [Day Before], [Trend] The [Event Type] is the event I am searching for the number of days since the last one occurred. The Number of days appears in [Days Since Last Event], is a formula which…