Hyperlink to a row/cell in the same sheet?
I am working on an "issues log" in smartsheet and I want the ability to respond to duplicate issue by marking it as duplicate (checkbox) and the next column (Duplicate Of) place the auto numbered row number of the duplicate issue. I would then like to put in the next column (Duplicate Link) a hyperlink to jump to that row.…
View Ranges Used in a Sheet (or all sheets)
Hello, I would like to know where I can go to make edits to some of the ranges I created. Normally, I can see the ranges I have created by just clicking on the cell once (rather than double-clicking to edit), but my formula is too long and it pushes the range links off the page. Please see attached screenshots. Any help…
Checkbox populate contact list
Hello all, I am hoping someone knows of a formula that could automatically populate a contact list when a checkbox is ticked. It is a sheet that keeps track of inventory and I would like to be able to keep track of who is breaking the minimum quantities without relying on the person to use a drop down box to insert their…
Counting Checkmarks within a Column
I have a bunch of products, each listing a different product. Each row has a different client, with their contracted products. I want to have a sum of each prodcut at the top, but the columns are checkboxes. So I'm trying to do a formula that says Count if the the box is checked, so I can know how any products are sold.
Counting total rows that fall after a specific Date
I am looking to create a formula that will capture all active rows that I have that fall withhin a Fiscal Year of 10/1/17 through 9/30/18. As of right now for the new fiscal year of 10/1/18-9/30/19 I have the following equation: =COUNTIFS({End Date}, >=DATE(2018, 10, 1), {Doc Type}, "Master") I am looking to capture the…
Adding formula in column automaticaly
Hi, is it possible to have formulas added automaticaly to in every row in the column? e.g If someone adds new row or delete it by accident.
Countif/Countifs Date Range
I am trying to count a certain criterion that occurred within a specific date range and I can't seem to get the formula right. =COUNTIF([Training Date]:[Training Date], AND(@cell >= DATE(2017, 6, 1), @cell < DATE(2018, 5, 31)), Role "Clinical") I am trying to count, for example, how many clinical staff were trained between…
Count of cells in a date range
Hello, - I am fairly new to Smarsheets and not very knowledgable past basic formulas. I am trying to create a formula that will display the count of cells whose date is from Monday through Sunday, each week. Like how many open items were closed this week. I can't seem to figure out the criteria wording....…
Using Multiple IF Statements
Hello, As Smartsheets does not allow for multi-select dropdown lists, I am trying to work a way around this using checkboxes and IF statements but keep running into a roadblock. I want it to say: If the "Chemotherapy" checkbox is selected in Column A, Column E says "Chemotherapy" . If the "ICU" column is selected in Column…
Index Match with 2 sheets
Hi, I have successfully setup an index/match with 1 sheet but I need to add a 2nd sheet for the index to search as well. How would I set this up in the formula? I tried to notate both sheet's columns for the range but keep getting an error. Thanks