Need Help with formula: One of 3 values based on a high and low threshold
Trying to set up a formula (IF?) where the value of a cell is either 0, 3 or 5 determined by the value of a result and if it is below a minimum threshold, in the middle or above a high threshold. For the attached example, the first KPI result is 100% so it receives 5, second result is 4 falls in the middle so receives 3,…
Referencing Another Sheet: Count
Good day all: I am counting number Rows in another sheet. However, I do not want to include the Parent or Grand Parent Row in that count, just the children and grandchildren. thoughts on how I would structure this formula? Thanks My formula =COUNTIFS({Mi-Config 7.2 WBS Range 1}, 1)
Updating Dashboard
So I have created a Dashboard with Metrics and Graphs only to learn that as the underlying data in the sheet is updated the widgets do not update they are static. Given the number of dashboards to be built it is not feasible to manually re-point the widgets to the latest data. So I need a workaround. Given that the widgets…
Formula Help Please
Trying to get a value for columns with Yes. Not total but countif(or(col 1 "yes, col 2 yes etc. I've tried every variation of this: =IF(OR(COUNTIF([O2 under 5 lpm]1, "yes", ([O2 over 5 lpm]1, "yes"))
Hey, What is the smartsheet furmula for multiplying so far i tried =Skupaj ure za tekoči mesec1 * Urna postavka1 =[Skupaj ure za tekoči mesec]1*[Urna postavka]1 i am trying to multiply monthly hours and hourly rate..... no problem using excel.......
Automating RGYB Balls With Date Ranges
I want the status balls to automatically update based on the due date - but I also want the status to go blue after the "Item Completed" column is checked. Ie. If End Date is in the past, or due within the next week = Red If End Date is Due within the two weeks = Yellow If end Date is Due in three weeks or more = Green If…
Checking what Months are during a Project
Hi, I've tried to find a solution for this, but maybe it's a too generic wording problem. We have a Master Project list, that has the start and end date of every project we have, as well as it's budget and projected profits. I want to have an overview of how much money is allocated to each month and for that I need to…
SUM Function
I am trying to calculate Percentage Complete on a task (Project). I know the Percentage Left (that calculation is working perfect), but the Percentage Complete works on one sheet and not another. =SUM(1 - [Percentage Left]4) On the next sheet I try the same thing and all I get is the return of the function syntax. Any…
RYG formula not working
I have been researching formulas trying to find solutions without having to tap into the community and duplicate my question with others, however, I really am stuck. Trying to create a formula for RYG based on planned finish date and status. Here is what I wrote - unparsable is the error. Are there supposed to be spaces…
SUMIFS formula
=SUMIFS({Completed date}, MONTH(@cell) = [Jan 2018]$1, {S/S}, AND({Rep} = "Paul")) Hi All, Trying to get the above formula to work. Referencing from another sheet. Want to be able to match a sales reps figures per month. From these columns in the other sheet: Completed date column, Invoice value column and rep column. So…