Looking to set Notifications/Reminders beyond the default options
Hello - I'm a bit new to Smartsheet but loving it so far. I have a few columns with dates that I would like email notifications or reminders set up when the following conditions occur: 1 year anniversary from date in cell 5 years, 9 months after date in cell, IF another cell has a certain value 9 years, 9 months after date…
Tire Maintenance - Form / Spreadsheet Assistance
Hello All, Today is my first day (YAY!). I'm digging Smartsheet thus far, although, I'm looking for suggestions. I've been tasked with creating a Tire Maintenance Program. So far I've put the basic asset information (Year, Make, Model, VIN, Tire Size(s). Screen shot will help make sense of this. The key part is trying to…
Building A Sheet That is Agile Velocity Focused
It won't let me hyperlink a copy of it but here is the URL for those who trust I'm not trying to do anything scary. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8APP67r815BaVdmRkxrRlVKRDA/view?usp=sharing So this creates a gant shart that shows them waterfalling off one another (but only shows where they end and not begin) It also…
Revising duration so it doesn't count first day
I want the range of days from Monday the 1st to Monday the 21st to read 21 days; yet it reads "22 days" in the duration column. This is because day 1 is the first day, when I need "day 1" to be the following date from the first day. Is there any easy way to fix this? In my job I can never count the first day as day one as…
Combine IF formulas in one cell
Hello, I'm trying to create a %Complete column based on a drop down list column called "Status". For example, I'm looking to combine these formulas into one cell, then copy and paste to all other cells in the same column. I'm very new at this and cannot figure it out. If there is a better way top accomplish what I'm after,…
Criteria for Alerts and Actions Rule
My boss has a Smartsheet set up to send a Update Request 30 days before today. For example row 7 would look like ....=[Due_Date]7 - TODAY() Would this alert still be sent if Smartsheet was down for maintenance at the scheduled time the alert was to be sent, or if there were conflicting "work week/full week" settings?…
Formula Help
Hello New user needing help with formula. I would like it to be something like this: When the due date is => than today -1 turn red, if the due date is < today - 3 days turn yellow, if due date is is =. than today +5 turn green The idea is if a task is due today or tomorrow its red, if a task is due within 3-5 days its…
Feature Request: Switch, Vlookup, and/or Lookup Functions
Please add one or more of the following functions: switch, vlookup, and/or lookup. Note that this would make it easier to reference rate categories in a rate table without having to use a huge nested if function.
Assistance with a formula -- similar to VLookup
I’m not sure if this is possible in Smartsheet but I know the Community will know! For our Annual Meeting, I created a blank sheet that will help us manage our schedule and assigned meeting rooms. Some of the columns are: * Meeting Room Name (the name of the hotel meeting room) * Capacity-Conference (the capacity of the…
Column Status Formula
Hi Everyone, I have a status column with the following options: Not Started, In-progress, Complete, N/A. I've created a formula if the parent row is set at 'Not Started' then the sub-task would automatically change to 'Not Started'. Same with Complete and N/A. In-progress needs to work a little differently. The parent row…