If Formula
Hi there, I need assistance on this IF formula. Formula I have: =IF([Company represented by an attorney]@row = "Yes", "Yes" +[Name of Company]@row + " Has signed contract with others. The purpose of the contract was" +[What was the purpose of such contracts?]@row + " has signed contracts with others. ", IF([Company…
Sumif assistance needed
Hello, I think it's a sum if formula I need.... If the source column says "external review" and another column called Significance says "Major" I want to return a date of +60 days to the date within column Closed date.
Flagging a Date and Time Overlap
Hello, I have a situation where we teach virtual classes that are each approximately 2- 4 hours in length, start and end at various times each day, and each requires a unique conference phone line dedicated to the class. We can teach as many as 6 to 8 classes in a day, but only have 4 conference lines. I'm trying to write…
Sum formula
The above formula is 'unpars' ... What am I doing wrong? I want to total 4 columns
Cumulative risk score per day between dates
I have a number of events, each with a start date and an end date. Each event has a risk score that is the same throughout the event duration. I would like to be able to show the total risk score for each individual day of the year, as multiple events may contribute to a venue’s risk. Thank you in advance!
Sumif formula with checkbox reference
Can someone provide a second look and explain why the formula isn't working the way I believe it should based on formula logic. I'm having an issue with a sumifs adding my dep amt when the cleared check box is checked. Below is my formula and my input and out put sheet. It adds it when it is unchecked. If I change my…
Is there a way to perform addition to an integer via an automation, workflow, or a formula?
I have a worksheet that tracks yearly tasks for technicians for potential raises or to track areas of focus. The problem: I need to track how many years a technician has met all the yearly checks. If they do then we want to perform add 1 onto their [Years Complete] value. [Current Year Potential] is a basic formula that…
Automation erroneously triggered
My question is how can the ZZ 10 Day Indicator col (see below) become starred if the Package Complete Date column and the ZZ Completed 10 Days Date is not populated? When this is starred it moves the row t an archive datasheet - and in this case it moved it prematurely, erroneously, and I can't for the life of me figure…
Recreating Report in a Sheet
Hello! Our team has a financial tracker and our timesheets in Smartsheet, and I am trying to find a way to link them. The goal is to take the number of hours worked on each project, and multiply them by our average rate to get a rough estimate of our current labor cost. Our reporting also needs to separate time between our…
Count cells within a column that are not blank
Hi all, trying to work out a formula to count how many cells have an entry (number or text). Can not find a formula for "is not blank". Please help.