Calculating Number of Tasks above 50%
I am trying to calculate the number of tasks I have in a sheet, which are currently sitting above 50%... this is for dashboard purposes so we can see how many tasks are in the final-closing out stages etc. My formula is not returning any count whether I try it in sheet summary or a separate sheet.... any clues? Result in…
Can I alter this formula to generate a date based off a deadline of the 4th Friday of every month?
As a form submits answers to my Smartsheet, the submission date is recorded under a column titled "Created." This information is submitted to a committee meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of every month, so I needed this formula to specify at which meeting date each response row will be considered. I found the formula below on…
Formula to return matching value
Hi! I'm looking for help with a formula that will return the corresponding row value in [Dan Accrual] column when the value of the [Period] column is "Y". I was thinking this should be an index/match, but I can't quite puzzle it out. I'd be thrilled to have this result in the sheet summary, and not need to utilize an…
INDEX/MATCH with checkboxes and contacts
Hello, I am working on a sheet that I created that will act like a team member matrix. In the sheet I have two columns that list the name of the project and another column listing the names of who is apart of the project. The other columns in the sheet are all identifiers like (project owner, sponsor, leader, etc.) and are…
Count IF formula
Hello, I am trying to find the formula to use to count the number of rows assigned to an email are on a data sheet and will need counts specific for each month. Which I will adjust the formula for all the other columns months. Below I have how to pull for the user email but not sure how to add in the argument for the…
Anyone able to help figure out this formula?
I would very much appreciate anyone's help on this. I have moved the brackets around and changed anything I can think of, but it's coming up "unparseable". The column headers and sheet references are right. =IF(TODAY() >= [Quarter Start]@row, COUNTIFS({HR mock-up sheet START DATE}, @cell <= [Quarter End]@row, {HR mock-up…
Copy Row Automation - Eliminating Duplicates OR keeping latest Row entry/update
Hello fellow Smartsheeters, I am trying to capture entries from a project level RAID log and pushing them (based on specific criteria) to an Enterprise level RAID log. Specifically, any Risks or Issues that are created and updated need to be pushed to another sheet. I am familiar and frequently use the Copy Row Automation…
Calculating how long a query has been worked on and how long it remains at particular statues for
Relating to this previous community query, I've got 2x similar queries.. I've posted it in that conversation but wasn't sure if it bumped it up the queue, so thought I'd post a new thread just in case it wasn't. I've used the formula @Paul Newcome provided in his post to tell me how long since the creation date the…
Countifs counting this not in criteria
I am using [Method helper] to tell me when we have more than one online training on a date where Notes= PD =COUNTIFS(Notes:Notes, "PD", [Date 1]:[Date 1], [Date 1]@row, Platform:Platform, Platform@row, Platform:Platform, "online") > 1 I have tried to specifically say, do not count anything with CDA in it, in a variety of…
Do leading zeroes affect "duplicate flag" formulas?
I have a sheet with a column of the 'Text/Number' type called "ID Number." My intent is to have another column of the 'Checkbox' type (called "Flag Duplicate") to show at a glance that an "ID Number" has been duplicated (the data in the "ID Number" row should be unique in each cell within the column). I used a column…