Trying to index match a formula for multiple sheets
What's wrong with this formula? =IFERROR(INDEX({Master Pipeline Name}, MATCH([Store #]@row, {Master Pipeline Store #}, 0), INDEX({Pipeline- OPEN Stores Name}, MATCH([Store #]@row, {Pipeline- OPEN Stores #}, 0) "")
If Function
I need a formula to assign people to a cell based on a person assigned in another cell. For instance: If the cell is assigned to Russ, Tyler or Kirk it needs to say Lauren. If the cell is assigned to Mason, Bryan or Will then it needs to say Cynthia. Column name is "Assigned To" and the first name goes in line 2
Options to display all formulas/functions in a sheet
Hi Community, I am a new user and would like to know if there is a way to view the formulas/functions within a sheet either as an ad hoc toggle on/off feature/shortcut or by leveraging the report builder. I understand that we could copy the formula/function body as text to a hidden column for reference or reporting.…
SUM IF Formula
I'm struggling a bit with a SUM IF Formula and hoping you all can help. I'd like a formula to sum the total cost column of my sheet for rows 236-246 if the start date of rows 236-246 is before the start date of the formula cell row, 220 but after the row above it, 219. Thanks in advance.
Having problems with Date Ranges
I want to count install for each month. =COUNTIFS({Install Date5}, "Install Date", {Install Date9}, AND(@cell >= DATE(5,01,2024). @cell <= DATE(5,31,2024)))
Formula for counting days
Hi! I use the below forumla to count days between to columns that have dates. The issue is it is counting the as individual days which basicall adds a day to the count. I want a true count. Help? Dtes calculated 6/7/24 to 6/8/24 (to me this is one day) the formula gives me 2 =NETDAYS([Created Date]@row, [Date Backup Sent…
Calculate the number of days in the different application statuses
I want to measure the number of days an application stays in the different application statuses. For this purpose, I have set up automated workflows to record a date in the corresponding date columns for each status change. When a date field is blank, it either indicates that the application skipped that status, or it is…
Finding the earliest date from Children based on the status in other column
Hi all, I'm trying to find the earliest (Min) date from children based on the value in a different column. So if the value in Asset Status column is not "Completed", "Cancelled" or "On Hold", then consider those children and then find the earliest date(min) from them. The column where I'm trying to find the earliest date…
Formula for Duration using Start & End Date & Time?
Hello, I would like a formula to calculate Duration (in hours) using the Start Date, End Date, Start Time, and End Time. I would like to keep the Time in 12-Hour format if possible. Any formula suggestions? I tried using a formula without factoring in the Dates, but the Duration for those highlighted in yellow ended up…
How to get Join Collect formula to work
I have a sheet (picture attached) where I am trying to show all of the tasks dependent upon a certain task from being done. I want to sue a join Collect formula to list out all of the tasks referenced in the the predecessor column that match the row #. For example, in the picture, Row 70 would show the task "eComm Mezz…