Record a date of last attached file

Hi all,

I have a main sheet that gets updated every time we manually attach a new file to it. I have a number of reports and dashboards that automatically update upon this manual attachment.

I would like to record the date upon which the main sheet was updated specifically via attachment of this file (we update the sheet in other ways - so the last modified date isn't the answer here). I'd like to ensure this date is recorded as a metric on relevant dashboards so people know how up to date the data is.

Ideally - I'd like to add this field to the sheet summary. Is there a way to do this?

Thank you!


Best Answer

  • Matt Lynn-PCG
    Matt Lynn-PCG ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/31/24 Answer ✓

    @Meredith Rhodes , I would add a new column such as "Attachment Modified" date column. Then put this automation in the sheet, and select the "Record a date in:" as the new column. Of course then you could add a field in your sheet summary that looked for the date or the max date in that new column and put that on your dashboard.

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