Title format to include H1 for accessibility (Headers start at H2)
Utilizing Wave to confirm accessibility. Title at top of form should be formatted as H1 so that assistive screen readers recognize as a title, pre-heading. We hope this is a simple html fix that would help many users.
Dark mode for Smartsheet web using Chrome
I would love a Smartsheet built in dark mode. Until then, if you use chrome then you can use chrome's built in dark mode. chrome://flags/ Dark Mode for Web Contents What it looks like Neil Egsgard Business Solutions Architect Southern Alberta Institute of Technology
Accessibility issues w/Forms
Hi all, I use a dropdown menu in a form and was recently told that screen reading programs (for people that are blind or have low-vision) do not detect the drop down menu options. Has anyone encountred this before or any other accessiblity issues with forms? Any way to fix it besides not using a drop down menu? Any insight…
Merged: Update "Symbol" Set to Accommodate Color Blindness
This discussion has been merged.
Merged: Merge Cells
This discussion has been merged.
Update Request - Unable to determine your identity
I use update requests to gather information from my stakeholders. Recently, several users have been experiencing an issue of "Unable to determine your identity, therefore we are unable to process your request. An unexpected error has occurred attempting to process your request. We are sorry for the inconvenience." I use…
Mouse-over / Alt-text to Dashboard Widgets
We'd love a way to add "mouse over" alt-text to dashboard widgets to accommodate individuals with color vision deficiency or provide additional context.
How to share or publish a link to many users
I have a calendar that basically tracks our rooms so it has 30+lines per day so it wont let me publish it. I want to put a link to the sheet on our Sharepoint so everyone can view it see if a room is free or closed. (I am the only editor of this) I don't want to maintain access for 100 people so is there a way to get a…
Merged: Please fix dashboard widget ownership transfer process!
This discussion has been merged.
Publishing a dashboard without access to source sheets
Hello, I have a question regarding publishing reports on a dashboard to external users. I want to create a web portal for various customers so they can view updated report information. I have created a report that only pulls the customers relevant information (filtered by the specific customer and only includes certain…