I would love to see Charts being used with categorical data instead of just numerical data. The count function is critical to what our clients want to see. Also, it would be awesome if we could embed the charts we create into the Dashboards instead of just providing a link to the chart.
Is there a way to have the rows automatically sort ascending by date when new rows are entered?
I have a job board created that jobs are added to and dispatched from the problem is if the jobs are not ented in order by date then I have to manually sort each time. This is a 24/7 process mostly accessed by mobile devices so sort is not an option.
Creating a Form with Row information
I am looking to create a form that populates information into specific rows, not based on columns. I see a few discussions from several years ago, but nothing recently to see if this is doable. Anyone know if this can be done?
Sharing Question -
A workspace was shared with me, and I was made an editor who can share. For a specific SmartSheet in a subfolder underneath that workspace - how do I request to the owner that I want to be an admin of that SmartSheet in order to set up conditional formatting, send automatic alerts, etc.? I do not see any option of making a…
Calendar View
My conditioning format does not show when I view my smart sheet in the "calendar view". Any suggestions?
Adding Contacts
I understand when you add a new contact name you have to associate an email address with them. I don't want all my new contacts to get a notification from Smartsheet that they have been added, until they are assigned to a task. My question is: Does Smartsheet send emails when people are added to the contact list?
I am meeting with management and IT on Friday to persuade them to use appsheet with our Smartsheet data. I know appsheet is one of the approved integrations but is there any other documentation from Smartsheet that could help make the case for this?
Admin Report - Sheet Tracker
Is there a report or query that can be done from the Admin account that shows all the sheets created in our cloud instance. I see that there is a total like 363 out of 500 sheets used, but it doesn't show date, who, sheet name and current status of that sheet (archived, deleted, new, etc). Is this possible?
Update Frequency
Dear Smartsheet, Please stop the almost daily updates and concentrate on releasing functionality/fixes in a staged manner like every other company out there. I've even had days where there are 2 or 3 updates. It's best practice to provide cumulative updates and as a courtesy to your customers, it should be adopted by…
I was wondering if smartsheet linking has the capability to perform this following type of function: If I create a Request Log spreadsheet, and one of those columns has a drop down with options, approved, hold, pending, is it possible to create a function wherein once that approved selections has been made then that row of…